In an email sent to his party faithful this evening, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal spun the Republican Romp in Monmouth County on Tuesday as a victorious holding of ground and claimed a net pick up of 1 municipal seat.
While we haven’t carefully fact checked Gopal’s claims, some of them appear to be laughable. He’s counting a Board of Education seat in Wall Township as a pick up and Mayor-elect Jerry Turning’s uncontested election in Tinton Falls, a non-partisan municipality, as pick up. The Tinton Falls GOP support Turning taking over as mayor of the borough where he has been administrator, after retiring as Police Chief.
Gopal is also not counting Highlands Council President Rebecca Kane’s loss to Republican Mayor Frank Nolan as a defeat, because there are 120 uncounted provisional ballots, even though Kane conceded the race on Tuesday night. Kane would have to get 77% of the provisional votes, assuming they are all ruled valid, in order to gain the 92 votes needed to over take Nolan’s lead.
The text of Gopal’s email is below the fold, for entertainment purposes. Feel free to check his facts and comment accordingly.
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Posted: November 7th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Predictions, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: Fact Check, Frank Nolan, Highlands, Jerry Turning, Monmouth Democrats, Rebecca Kane, Tinton Falls, Vin Gopal, Wall Township Board of Education | 14 Comments »
Tinton Falls Mayor Michael Skudera last evening announced that he will not seek a second term.
Elected to the borough council in 2005 and mayor in 2009, Skudera told supporters via email that after almost a decade of service he looks forward to what life brings next.
Skudera wrote of his team’s accomplishments and endorsed Jerry Turning to be his successor.
“When I took office as Mayor four years ago, the Borough was experiencing sharp tax increases of over 10% per year and its surplus was depleted. Now, despite a difficult economic climate, taxes have been contained to about 2% per year and match the rate of inflation. Spending has been significantly reduced; in fact this year’s budget is lower than last year’s budget.
We have improved the Borough’s aging infrastructure that was neglected for decades. We have repaved and reconstructed miles of roadway, installed new sidewalks, and improved long neglected storm and waste-water facilities. We improved the Borough’s credit rating, significantly reduced borrowing costs, and paid of debt before its maturity date to save taxpayers money.
In the past, economic growth was just assumed, now it’s actively pursued, encouraged and taking place. In the last four years, we have brought one of the Northeast’s largest solar farms to Tinton Falls while also quickly advancing the redevelopment of Fort Monmouth, bringing not only millions in capital investments to Tinton Falls, but also high paying jobs. We have utilized technology more than ever before to improve efficiencies, productivity, and to better communicate with the public.
While doing all of this, we have managed to preserve more open space than ever before to enhance our quality of life. We did this by spending less per acre, which allowed us to reduce the Borough’s open space tax.
Finally, Tinton Falls needs a leader who will continue the work we have all begun. That is why Jerry Turning will be running for Mayor. Jerry has served our community as the head of my administration and we have worked very closely together over the years. My record of accomplishments is also Jerry’s record of accomplishments. Running with Jerry in the November election is veteran Councilman Scott Larkin and Zoning Board of Adjustment member John Roche, who I know will continue to serve the Borough well.”
Tinton Falls holds non-partisan elections in November.
Posted: August 7th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Predictions, Tinton Falls | Tags: Jerry Turning, Mayor Michael Skudera, Michael Skudera, Tinton Falls | 5 Comments »

Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholders Serena DiMaso and Tom Arnone at Christie fundraiser, facebook photo
Governor Chris Christie’s reelection campaign raised $500,000 at the Middletown home of Newport Capital Group President Domenic DePiero, according to sources familiar with the event. The fundraiser, chaired by State Senator Joe and Susan Kyrillos, was the most successful Christie fundraiser to date, including the February fundraiser at the Palo Alto, CA home of facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Former NFL player Christian Peter, listed as a supporting member of the host committee on the event invitation, did not attend. “The only big guy I saw was Christie,” one donor said.
Posted: May 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Predictions, Chris Christie | Tags: Chris Christie, Christian Peter, Domenic DePiero, Joe Kyrillos, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 8 Comments »
Governor Christie Endorsed By Republican New Jersey Congressional Delegation
Bridgewater, NJ – Chris Christie for New Jersey today announced the unanimous endorsement of Governor Christie’s reelection bid by the Republican members of New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation. The six members, representing New Jerseyans in all but one of the state’s counties, pointed to the Governor’s strong leadership, record of accomplishment for New Jersey, and progress made in creating over 127,000 private sector jobs since taking office – all without raising taxes on overburdened New Jersey families.
“Governor Christie has provided effective leadership for New Jersey. From reforming pensions to holding the line on taxes, he is working to make our state more competitive for job creation,” said Congressman Scott Garrett. “New Jersey would be well served with Governor Christie at the helm for another four years. I am glad to join my colleagues in supporting his re-election.”
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Posted: April 25th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Predictions, Chris Christie, Press Release | Tags: Chris Chrisite, Chris Smith, Christie for Governor, Frank LoBiondo, Jon Runyon, Leonard Lance, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Scott Garrett | 7 Comments »
A better late than never “fiscal cliff” deal will get done in Washington. Federal taxes and spending will both rise. The federal debt ceiling will rise in the coming months.
Last minute legal maneuvers by “birthers” to prevent Barack Obama’s election by the electoral college will fail.
New Jersey will confront a budget shortfall of almost $1 billion. Governor Christie will attempt to plug part of the shortfall with the privatization of the lottery. There will be painful spending cuts during the first six months of the year.
Congress will pass and the president will sign the $60.4 billion Sandy Relief Bill.
The rebuilding of the Jersey Shore communities devastated by Superstorm Sandy will be slowed by FEMA.
Despite New Jersey’s fiscal mess and frustration over the rebuilding process, Governor Christie’s approval ratings will be in the high 50’s throughout the year. Christie will be reelected, defeating State Senator Barbara Buono. The Democratic Party will retain control of the State Legislature.
The State Senate will confirm David Baumann as a State Supreme Court Associate Justice. They will not confirm Robert Hanna.
Joe Oxley will be confirmed as a Superior Court Judge.
There will be surprise retirements in the Monmouth County Vicinage of the Superior Court.
The first Monmouth GOP nominating convention under Chairman John Bennett and his new by-laws will see no challenges to incumbent freeholders, legislators or the sheriff. There will be Tea Party led primary challenges in the 11th, 13th and 30th Legislative Districts. The incumbents will all win.
The Monmouth GOP by-laws will be amended at the nominating convention to make the chairman’s term two years.
The Monmouth County Democratic Party will have difficulty recruiting a full slate of legislative and county candidates.
Tom Arnone will be the Director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders.
What do you think will happen?
Posted: January 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Predictions | Tags: Barack Obama, By-Laws, Chris Christie, David Bauman, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Court, Robert Hanna | 3 Comments »