The framers of the Constitution saw men like Governor Phil
Murphy coming. They knew that once you
grant government the power to do something you like, you
risk the next person in office using that power to do something you don’t
like. Since power can’t be policed
through generations, constitutions are written to limit government power in the
first place.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress delivered a nearly $500 billion infusion of coronavirus spending Thursday, rushing new relief to employers and hospitals buckling under the strain of a pandemic that has claimed almost 50,000 American lives and one in six U.S. jobs.
The measure passed almost unanimously, but the lopsided tally belies a potentially bumpier path ahead as battle lines are being formed for much more ambitious future legislation that may prove far more difficult to maneuver through Congress.The bipartisan measure neared passage as lawmakers gathered in Washington as a group for the first t… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 24th, 2020 | Author:Art Gallagher | Filed under:COVID-19 | Tags:COVID-19 | Comments Off on Coronavirus aid: Somber Congress delivers nearly $500B for employers, hospitals
Asbury Park rock club The Saint, a longtime promoter of local music that also hosted national acts, is no longer for sale, according to one of its owners.
“We are no longer selling, unless that wild 3 million dollar offer materializes,” Meg Kelly, an owner and operator, wrote on Facebook Wednesday.
“Humbly, we thank you for the enormous show of support, kind words and positive energy in these dark times. Our friends have organized a fundraiserfor us and we are in communication with like minded folks with a strong interest in investing with us,” Kelly’s post said.Kelly last week announced the icon… Read the rest of this entry »
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission’s agency, road testing and inspection facilities will remain closed at least until May 11, Commissioner Sue Fulton announced today.
The MVC facilities have been closed since March 13 due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Monmouth County recorded new 186 positive cases of COVID-19 overnight, bringing the total to 5,272, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Sue Kiley announced. The NJ Department of Health reports that 260 County residents have succumbed to the virus.
Monmouth County has been awarded $108 million in federal CARES Act funds, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone announced.
The $107,974,955.70 comes as part of the $2.2 trillion stimulus package signed into law last month and is to be used to offset the unexpected expenditures related to COVID-19 from March 1, 2020 through Dec. 30, 2020.
Tom Brokaw referred to the generation that went through World War II as the Greatest Generation. He was referring not only to the servicemen, but to those at home who sacrificed and contributed in so many ways to the war effort. The period was marked by Rosie the Riveter, war bonds, rationing, and, in misty memories, a united country working together to defeat a common enemy.
I would like to think of that generation as Tom Brokaw described it. Frankly, it feels a lot better than dissecting what really happened and dwelling on the isolated instances that stained that period.
The Chinese government must be held accountable for the Covid-19 disinformation campaign it has waged against the world. This propaganda operation has ground the global economy to an almost full stop and contributed to the death of tens of thousands. Few places have not felt the impact of the misinformation and purposely incomplete data the Chinese Communist dictatorship released after the pandemic began in its borders. Whether the chatter in global intelligence circles that Covid-19 was engineered pans out or not, we must always bear in mind that this a regime which holds a million Uighar Muslims in concentration camps, arrests Christians and followers of Falun Gong regularly for freely exercising faith, and which not so many months ago, was facing massive protests by Hong Kongers objecting to the erosion of their freedoms enjoyed nowhere else in the Chinese dictatorship. Bottom line, the Chinese Communist dictatorship lied and people around the world died.
Congressman Chris Smith recorded this video in his Freehold office today, April 22, before heading to Washington to vote for the next phase of the COVID-19 emergency legislation which is on the docket tomorrow.
Middletown Mayor Tony Perry announced that his wife Alannah is pregnant. The first child of the couple is due in August, the mayor said during a Quarantine Edition interview with Sophia Haber Brock.
In the 19 minute interview with Brock, a 10th grade student at Middletown High School North, Perry also discussed juggling his full time employment with Hackensack-Meridan Health with being mayor, the Township’s interaction with County, State and Federal officials in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and he praised the selfless work on New Jersey’s medical workers and first responders.