

Just like the famous movie, the “Wizard Of Oz,” one has to look past the curtain in order to see the real story. I had that in mind the other day when I spoke to a voter regarding my opponents website and campaign literature.


I first thought that they were “wizards” trying to hide behind the curtain until the election is over. I said this because their website and literature are devoid of any issues or platform. It’s as if they were trying to “hide behind the curtain” until Election Day is over because of their liberal “tax & spend” positions, which aren’t selling across America.


But I came to find out who the REAL “wizard behind the curtain” really is. You see, NJ Election Funding Reports became available the other day, and that’s where you will find out who is behind the curtain trying to pull all of the levers. Facts are powerful messengers.


The NJ Election Report records show that one of my opponents, Eric Houghtaling is receiving large amounts of Labor Union cash for his campaign war chest. At least 80% of his campaign funding, currently $5,500, is from Labor Union donations to his campaign. And there’s still 20+ days left in the campaign. That’s a large “purchase” of a candidate my friends, but I wonder, are there more barrels of cash to come?


Now, here’s the bigger problem about Eric’s union ties. According to the IBEW400 website Eric is the Political Director of his electrical workers union, so this is sounding like Neptune’s own version of the Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker Kickback; with the union trying to influence what goes on in Neptune. I have no problem with labor unions as an organization; my problem lies with Union’s attempting to sway political election outcomes.


Are Unions the “Great & Powerful Oz?”


Or, is this for “street money” to help re-elect Frank Pallone? We’ve seen what unions do to help turn out the vote for the Democrats. We don’t know though, because even at this late date, Eric shows no expenses for his campaign.  Now that’s strange, what else is Eric hiding behind the curtain?


What we DO know is that we’ve seen what the Unions did in the 2008 election in order to help elect Obama. We also saw the unions out in great force at the Town Hall meeting across America, trying to drown out our voices. We also know that the Service Employees International and other unions held great sway over the formation of the disaster called Health Care Reform. Taxpayers suffered because of their over reaching influence.


The implications of a Union “purchase” of a Township Committee seat here in Neptune becomes even scarier because, like the Health Care bill, we won’t know what’s in Eric’s “bills” until and if he wins a seat, because he won’t say what he’s for..


Think, Is this what WE want in Neptune?


Elections have consequences and we’ve seen the consequences of the 2008 election. The lack of a platform & the barrels full of union cash must concern you, the voter.


We should be electing people with platforms and plans, not people to put what they are for on paper or can be bought by large donations. My campaign website, www.neptune2010.com does just that, where I actually talk about positions and issues.


You can do something about this. I have established a special election fund in order to defeat the Union Influence in Neptune. You can go to our website and make an online donation to tell the Unions that we don’t want them influencing Neptune from the Township Committee dias.  If everyone reading this article donates just $25 to fight the Big Unions, it will send a powerful message. Actually, no donation is too small.


Even if you aren’t from Neptune, a donation will help defeat Frank Pallone by helping my campaign turn out more voters for our column. I’m not hiding behind a curtain. I can’t be bought off by large donations because most of mine are small donations from families like yours. Tell the Unions to “go home.”


Warren Lapp, Candidate

Neptune Township Committee

Posted: October 9th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Neptune Township, Uncategorized, Warren Lapp | Tags: , | Comments Off on ARE THE UNIONS THE “WIZARDS BEHIND THE CURTAIN” FOR THE NEPTUNE DEMOCRATS?

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