
Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Becomes First Tea Party To Endorse Mitt Romney

Philadelphia, PA (January 2, 2012) — The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, a tri-state (DE, NJ, PA) regional group, announced today that its 27-member Board of Delegates has voted overwhelmingly to endorse Mitt Romney for President.


The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC is the first Tea Party group in the nation to formally endorse Mitt Romney.


“Over the past several weeks, a consensus has been building among our Board of Delegates that Mr. Romney is the most electable Republican candidate,” said PAC President, Don Adams.  “We, as a Tea Party PAC, have set winning the White House as our number one priority in 2012.  We believe Mr. Romney is the one

candidate who can win the Republican nomination and defeat President Barack Obama in November.  


“Mr. Romney is the only Republican candidate who has consistently polled even or ahead of President Obama in national surveys.  He puts a number of 2008 blue states in play, including Michigan and New Hampshire.  He also appeals to large numbers of independent voters.” 


“Mr. Romney, a devoted family man, is an incredibly talented, well-rounded individual with in-depth knowledge and experience in both the private and public sectors of the economy,” said PAC New Jersey Vice President, Bill Green.  “Ultimately, we believe Mr. Romney is a man of principle who, once elected, will lead our nation back to prosperity.”


PAC Delaware Vice President, Kevin Street, said, “His vision of a strong America, one built on the foundations of free enterprise and meritocracy, is most compatible with the principles of the Tea Party movement. 


“Mr. Romney has stated time and again that he believes in a limited role for the Federal government–emphasizing that the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution delineates between the powers of the national government and that of the states.”


“Mr. Romney will pursue a policy of energy independence, lower taxes, and less government spending.  He has promised to secure our borders and redirect our foreign policy,” added PAC Pennsylvania Vice President, Sean Carpenter.  “Under his presidency, the United States will no longer prostrate itself before other nations.  We believe in a strong America–an America that is respected for its economic vibrancy, its military strength, and its constitutional values.”


PAC Co-Founder, Teri Adams, said, “We realize that a number of fellow Tea Partiers are not yet where we are in supporting Mitt Romney for President–and we respect their varied positions. 


“However, we felt compelled to make an endorsement in light of a counter-productive effort to stop Mitt Romney among some disparate elements on the right–often based on a religious intolerance of Mr. Romney’s Mormon faith. 


“We also think the notion that the Tea Party will support a 3rd party candidate after Mitt Romney becomes the Republican nominee, a notion most often advanced by the mainstream media, must be discredited,” Ms. Adams said.


“It discounts the good sense of millions of Tea Party folks nationwide who have come to realize, or will eventually realize, that the only way to defeat President Obama, whose policies are an anathema to conservatism and the Tea Party Movement, is to rally around his strongest opponent–Mitt Romney–the man who, we believe, will become the next president of the United States.”

Posted: January 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Becomes First Tea Party To Endorse Mitt Romney”

  1. so much for said at 11:39 pm on January 2nd, 2012:

    sticking ot one’s conservative principles.. well, not shocing that 3 blue states are among the first to cave.. it’s looking like an evolving plot to get that Pres. re-elected: they will eviscerate Mitty, can’t wait.. oh, help, I sense another utter failure of leadership coming at us, from all directions, and a settling for the most lib R, only to blow the general, yet again….quite the depressing start to what is shaping up to be the last year/chance to get this country turned around from this ever-encroaching socialism and dictatorship we are suffering from!..

  2. Freespeaker1976 said at 11:47 pm on January 2nd, 2012:

    Ok, it’s time for me to “speak freely again.”

    Between Handlin’s0 “Bull Crap E Book” and this endorsement from a “Faux Tea Party,” I know now the world is heading to hell in a hand basket.

    I am not an active member of any Tea Party group, but even I know Romney is no Conservative. This Tea Party group Conservative. Selling out your members, much like Niki Haley has done will only serve to further rip apart the movement.

    BUT THEN, THIS IS WHAT THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT WISHES, that the Tea Party will just “meld into the Republican Party” and just “go away.

    Reap what you sow Independence Hall Tea Party, reap what you sow. Romney is nothing more than a younger John McCain, a flip flopper. At least have the cohones and endorse a True Conservative.

    That’s what a primary is all about.

    If Mitt is the nominee, we all get behind him. But in the meantime, you put your “cohones on the line in 2010” to fight what for what you believe in; so why shouldn’t you do the same this year.

    Why, because you are phonies that fold like a cheap suit.

    By the way, if you want to know more about the heat S. Carolina’s Governor Haley is taking for doing much the same…

    Read On…


  3. Bob English said at 8:15 am on January 3rd, 2012:

    Since the stated number one goal of the group is to defeat Obama, it’s hard to argue that as of January 1, Romney would appear to be the most likely candidate of the current R’s to do that. On the other hand, after Tuesday night, there is a pretty good possibility that Santorum (or even Perry) does well and remains viable for the next few primaries especially if any of the other candidates that have enjoyed conservative support drop out. Romney is as far removed from the Tea Party as I am but in Santorum (or actually any of the other R candidates) there are choices of people whose beliefs are much closer to those of the Tea Party.

    Maybe the question resolves itself especially if Romney can pull off wins in the early primaries however if there are still 1 or 2 very viable alternatives (who do have widespread Tea Party support) to Romney a month from now it will be an interesting question for R’s that do not like Romney but view him as the most electable candidate.

    The group should also be commended for speaking out about religious intolerance. Hopefully all other groups (D or R) around the country do the same.

    I would drop the craziness about America “prostrating itself before other nations”. The majority of Americans think Obama is doing a good job with foreign policy and don’t believe that nonsense. The main issues in the 2012 will be economic related however the more focus there is on foreign policy the better it will be for Obama.

  4. Name (required) said at 12:15 pm on January 3rd, 2012:

    The first sentence of my post should have read: “Since the stated number one goal of the group is to defeat Obama, it’s hard to argue against the idea that as of January 1, Romney would appear to be the current R candidate with the best chance of doing just that.”

  5. Bob English said at 12:15 pm on January 3rd, 2012:

    The first sentence of my post should have read: “Since the stated number one goal of the group is to defeat Obama, it’s hard to argue against the idea that as of January 1, Romney would appear to be the current R candidate with the best chance of doing just that.”


  6. The Overseer said at 2:26 pm on January 3rd, 2012:

    They are also backing Anna Little as well…