
A3242 Is Pulled!

The Assembly Education Committee pulled bill A3242, legislation already passed by the State Senate, that would allow school districts to administer surveys that pry into the private lives of students and their families without parental consent, from the hearing calendar today due to the overwhelming public outcry legislators have received since MMM brought the bill to light on Tuesday evening.

Good job MMM readers!

Special thanks goes out to Carolee Adams, President of the Eagle Forum of New Jersey.  Adams first brought this legislation to our attention.  Her lobbying efforts contributed to the passage of the current law that requires parental consent for intrusive student surveys that was passed during the lame duck session of 2001-2002.

MMM and Adams will continue to monitor the bill and alert you should the Assembly Education Committee reschedule a hearing.

Posted: June 16th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Education | Tags: , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “A3242 Is Pulled!”

  1. Politicalpony said at 4:41 pm on June 16th, 2011:

    Thank you to the both of you. Just in the nic of time. Please don’t cut it do short next time. Men can’t have babies but I thought I was about to have one all day yesterday;)

    Please keep us informed on any piece of legislation that either needs a helping hand or needs to be shot down

  2. WTG! said at 4:42 pm on June 16th, 2011:

    Nice work! Congrats. Thanks for bringing this craziness out into the light of day.

  3. Shelly Kennedy said at 4:48 pm on June 16th, 2011:

    Keep on shining the light on such intrusive, overreaching legislation. Only transparency and mobilizing the public will “out” these kinds of unnecessary government attacks on our inalienable rights. Victory today, but there are many more out there, so our job is not done.

  4. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » A3242 May Not Be Dead Yet said at 11:54 am on June 17th, 2011:

    […] bill was pulled from the Assembly Education Committee’s calendar yesterday due to the overwhelming response in opposition to the bill from MMM and RightDirection readers.  […]

  5. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Student Survey Bill Watch said at 9:32 am on June 20th, 2011:

    […] sites resulting on Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini withdrawing her sponsorship of the bill.  The Assembly Education Committee pulled the bill from its scheduled hearing calendar last Thursday.   MMM received a tip that […]