Conflicting voter turnout reports out of Newark
PolitickerNJ is reporting that voters are coming out strong for Cory Booker in Newark’s North Ward, South Orange and Montclair.
However, a Newark resident who asked not to be named told MMM this morning that he was only the 9th voter in Newark’s East Ward at about 11:30 AM.
“The Cory Booker campaign is lackluster,” the Newark resident said, “no sound trucks, no signs, no door knockers, nothing. It’s weird.”
While all Independent polls tracking the Special Senate election have qualified their reports with the caveat that turnout for an election on the third Wednesday in October is unpredictable, most pollsters tracking have weighted their results with the assumption that urban turnout for Booker would be consistent with the vote that turned out for President Obama last November.
If the early turnout in Newark’s East Ward is indicative of urban turnout throughout the state, Steve Lonegan could be a U.S. Senator tomorrow.
[…] PolitickerNJ is reporting robust Booker turnout in Essex County but MoreMonmouthMusings cites a source who says it’s unusually quiet in Newark’s East Wa… […]
[…] PolitickerNJ is reporting robust Booker turnout in Essex County but MoreMonmouthMusings cites a source who says it’s unusually quiet in Newark’s East Ward… […]
Needs to be on the look out for vans handing out free cigarettes and lunches to potential voters out in all of those liberal towns; especially after the working poor get home.
The time frame to watch in Newark, Camden & Elizabeth will be the 5 pm to 8 pm time slot. If there are long lines, watch for the Booker campaign to enlist their judges to “let the people vote” after 8 pm.
Silence Dogood, Redux
If people are online prior to when the polls are scheduled to close, they should be allowed to vote. It’s not their fault that there are lines.
Note that in November 2012, some people were online for hours (many in states where Republicans cut back on pre-election voting which used to have bipartisan support in those states known for long lines at the polls such as Florida and Ohio.)
Bob that is precisely the law, if you arrive prior to polls closing you are allowed to vote even if it is past 8PM
@dogood What a stupid racist comment.
if you don’t believe Dogood, that tactics like this haven’t occurred in this state, over MANY years, (it has sometimes been $5. bills, in certain towns, distributed by the union-paid, goon squads, working out of halls and used car lots, not too far from home, too), you are clueless, and you voted for Booker today!..
Thank you.
bill typically has his head in the ground and is unaware that Democrats specialize in these kinds of tactics plus getting the dead to vote.
No doubt the union is out in force today.
And bill, could you explain something to me please? Where did I mention race? I mentioned cities that are Democrat strongholds.
YOU played the race card buddy.
The problem is that anytime someone challenges the Democrats, or calls the Democrats out; those words somehow magically become buzzwords for racism.
That’s all they can do when they get caught.
Silence Dogood, redux
@ Dogood- Do you have any facts to back up your bull shit lies? and use your own name.
Like I have seen it, others have seen it. It is written in the annals of history.
And before you attack anonymous commentators, you better be attacking all. Why aren’t you attacking “Rose Colored Glasses?” Why aren’t you asking that same person the same question you asked here?
What does my name have to do with it
besides? I mean, I would guess that all you are doing is looking for a person to attack using Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”
So, go pound salt if you don’t believe it.
Nobody cares.
Silence Dogood, Redux
@ Dodgood What a phony you are.You have no facts to back up your lies because that is what they are. If you had a guts you would use your name but you don’t.
Have personally followed some of the squads in certain urban districts, and observed the very sad, but successful,operations, over a period of years: it always seems like such an insult to me, that some groups grab this little bit of attention on the day they need their votes, then are abandoned from any hope of helping them out of the cycle of dependence.. No need to use names- the facts and yearly results show that the tried and true, Chicago and Hudson county-style tactics are alive and well in our fine county, as our numbers gradually become more like the aforementioned areas, proves they are not likely to stop..
Enjoy your night because you will be using the crying towel in the November election when Buono goes down in flames.
Now, as to free food, cigarettes and more; it’s the truth bill. Just because YOU say it’s a lie, doesn’t make it a lie. It is common knowledge. And of course, typical you; you diverted from your original but false charge of racism when I all I mentioned were towns; since you could not back up a charge of racism.
So, start munching on this; and then stick it.
Now, the name bit. Names have not a thing to do with the issue.
But you turn it into an attack about a silly name in a flacid attempt like most liberals do to divert from the argument at hand. All you want is a person to demonize and cast dispersions on. Again, I don’t see you attacking other anonymous posters; so it must mean that I am getting to you.
For me, it allows me to cause crazy libs like you to slowly pull your hair out wondering.
It’s sort of like Miguel Sandoval in the movie “The crew” shouting to the Judge as he was hauled off to jail, “really, who were those guys,” and like Scott Bakula gets Ted McGinly to pull his hair out in the movie “Back To The Minors” all wrapped up in one.
I do this to simply cause you nuts to go further off your rocker wondering who is attacking them with truths.
Sooner or later, the Big Lie that is liberalism will fall apart on you and I don’t want anything other than the issues to weigh in on you wackos.
If you want to call that hate, fine by me; but you ought to be looking in the mirror, because liberalism is all about hate, hating what the other guy has and you don’t.
And finally, if you think this is about sour grapes; I picked Booker to win by less a margin, but to still win. I was a Doubting Thomas based on N.J. demographics, not issues.
I don’t think anywhere I posited a Lonegan win. Not that I didn’t want to. I just know a little more than the average Joe.
Silence Dogood, Redux
P.S. Start learning how to spell while you are stuttering mad. It’d D-O-G-O-O-D, not Dodgood.
My grandfather always voted Republican ,until he died ,then he voted Democrat