
Let me be clear, vote on Wednesday, vote on Wednesday, vote on Wednesday

Republicans and moderate-right Independents planning to sit out tomorrow’s election should view this video twice.

Posted: October 15th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Steve Lonegan | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Let me be clear, vote on Wednesday, vote on Wednesday, vote on Wednesday”

  1. Deeply Concerned said at 8:38 am on October 15th, 2013:

    If that does not wake ’em up, then even Jesus would not be able to it.

  2. What a cruel prank! said at 3:06 pm on October 15th, 2013:

    What a cruel prank! You Republicans have forged this video of Obama begging people to vote on a Wednesday and everyone knows you vote on Tuesdays! Next Tuesday fellow Democrats, not tomorrow….. damn Republican trickery!


  3. TP4BH said at 3:43 pm on October 15th, 2013:

    Is the Tea Party still sitting this one out or have they decided to get involved, make some phone calls and show up at the polls, to vote for Lonegan?

  4. SenseCommon said at 4:48 pm on October 15th, 2013:

    I guess the shutdown didn’t turn off the WH’s skype services….hmmmmmm

  5. Bob English said at 10:34 pm on October 15th, 2013:

    As ill advised and irresponsible as the govt shutdown has proved to be and the fact that the Tea Party Rebublicans in Congress have let the country come so close to default (which is already hurting the economy), the last thing NJ and the United States needs is another member of Congress that buys into the crazy ideas extreme ideas of the TP members already in Congress.

    There are pleanty of Republican in Nj that would have been great Seante cadidates. Lonegan is not one of them.

  6. Bob English said at 10:38 pm on October 15th, 2013:

    Bunch of typos in the last sentence above. Should read:

    There are pleanty of Republicans in NJ that would have been great Senate candidates. Lonegan is not one of them.