Golden: “Time and again, Serena has failed us.”

With a scathing letter to the Republican County Committee members of the 13th Legislative District, Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden has broken his public silence about why Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso has lost his support for reelection.
“Originally, I did not want to write you about the candidates I am supporting,” Golden wrote, “however my photograph was used in a recent campaign mailer, without my permission, in a devious effort to confuse county committee members as to whom I am supporting.”
Golden wrote that he is supporting Gerry Scharfenberger and Vicky Flynn for Assembly in the 13th.
“I am taking this position because Serena has not, although given four years to do so, supported our Republican values and candidates, and is not electable in a General Election,” Golden said.
The chairman slammed DiMaso for her attendance record in the Assembly, saying that she has missed numerous important votes while on vacation, including as recently as last week on the day she announced her candidacy for reelection. Golden said DiMaso’s unethical behavior has put the Assembly Republican Caucus, the County Party and its Treasurer in legal jeopardy. He claimed a conflict of interest on DiMaso’s part for her vote to give hospitals “massive tax breaks” while she sits on a hospital board of trustees and he slammed her sponsored legislation to shield nursing homes from legal liability “for any COVID-19 related deaths, a move that would strip families from pursuing justice on behalf of their loved ones.”
Golden went on the slam DiMaso for approving high density COAH housing in Holmdel, on the borders of Middletown and Hazlet, as chairwoman of the Holmdel Planning Board and for voting to allow the Murphy administration to convert foreclosed properties into low income housing.
Finally, Golden said DiMaso has supported candidates who ran against Republicans who have pursued “left-wing progressive and anti-police policies.
“This is not what we stand for as a party.”
DiMaso’s campaign responded to Golden’s letter with an email from Muriel Smith, a well know independent journalist and a County Committee member in Atlantic Highlands.
Smith wrote:
Dear Fellow County Committee Member:
Just a couple of days ago you received a letter from the County Chairman attacking Serena DiMaso.
Clearly, his childish behavior and bullying continue.
Shaun Golden is a bully who can not accept criticism, particularly when it comes from a woman.
There are some things that Shaun has forgotten. He is not a King, although he acts like one. He forgets to mention he has been under investigation in the Matt O’Donnell probe. A probe that involves financial improprieties. He forgets to mention his mismanagement of the County jail. He also fails to mention his own personal unethical behavior.
In short, he lied about Serena Di Maso. He told outright lies and lied by telling a half-truth. For example, he notes that Serena was once under an ethics complaint. He fails to mention it was over a robocall and that an investigation exonerated her. He also failed to mention that the complaint was filed by a Democratic Party rival. Shaun in his bullying rants about her approval as Holmdel Planning Board Chair, COAH housing. He of course fails to mention that it was court-mandated and that her leadership prevented a much larger requirement from being imposed on Holmdel.
Assemblywoman Serena Di Maso has been there for us. Despite what the bully says, her record in Trenton is one of fiscal conservatism and one that has promoted Republican Party values. I strongly encourage the voters of LD 13 to return Assemblywoman DiMaso to the Assembly.
the sound of dirty laundry being aired.. too bad..
Wow it’s just like back in the Puharic days! Hellooooo, Bergen County with beaches!
Dump Serena! Let’s go Ms Flynn!!
Serena has supported Democratic and Independent challengers, missed critical votes in Trenton and does not support her constituents. It is time to bring in a true leader. Vicky Flynn is transparent, forward thinking and a collaborator. She’s exactly what Monmouth County needs.
of “the letter …”