COVID-19: Why it could affect public health for years to come
Vacines notwithstanding, health care experts expect major long-term consequences

A year after officials reported the first case of COVID-19 in New Jersey, the numbers of cases, deaths and hospitalizations tied to the virus are declining. Demand continues to outpace supply for coronavirus vaccines, but hundreds of thousands of doses are expected to ship in coming weeks and the state’s goal of immunizing 4.7 million people by this summer seems possible.
Gov. Phil Murphy said on Wednesday that by Easter, on April 4, “We will be in a dramatically, quantum different place” adding that, “One year in, we can finally see the light of a new day beginning to break on the horizon. We cannot yet bask in that light, but make no mistake, we will.”
But reaching that new day will take time and further commitment, according to many experts, who stress that other actions will be needed in the months and years to come to effectively protect New Jerseyans, and residents nationwide, from the novel coronavirus.