After charges of toxic 2017 campaign, Murphy tries to turn a page — but new allegations emerge

For much of 2019, Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration faced a nagging crisis: former campaign volunteer Katie Brennan’s allegations that a top Murphy aide raped her during the governor’s first campaign. That same man kept a state government job for months after top staffers found out — which led to a legislative panel concluding Murphy’s inner circle failed her “every step of the way.”
Murphy also was dogged by allegations that his 2017 campaign was marred by toxicity and misogyny. A male aide threw a chair against a wall in the presence of a female staffer. And former aide Julie Roginsky, who w…
There appears to be a slight problem w/illegal visa’s & underage girls for the fake, PPP$$$ grabbing, suckah team. BTW a pardon has been requested from the big guy(not verified).