Rep Chris Smith drops twitter

Congressman Chris Smith deactivated his twitter account over the weekend.
Smith’s office put out the following statement regarding the account which had over 30,000 followers yet was infrequently updated:
Congressman Chris Smith halted his Twitter account over security concerns and to help the district and Nation move toward unity during this difficult time.
Divisive and hate-filled tweets have become far too frequent and impede the healing so needed today.
Congressman Smith continues to receive phone calls and emails from thousands of constituents freely expressing their opinions. His website and Instagram continue to provide the congressman’s most recent statements on votes and legislation.
I believe it was smart of the Congressman to deactivate his Twitter account this weekend. The left is blocking Republicans non-stop from expressing their opinions and as always, Chris Smith is a head of the game and deactivated his account, before they could do it to him.
Receiving threatening messages from those on the extreme left has gone too far. I’m sure he and his staff are constantly attacked for just having an R next to their names. Congressman, I understand completely why you took the actions to remove your Twitter account. We as a country will not begin to heal, if we continue to spread hate whether it is using their social media beer muscles or protesting outside of office buildings.
McConnell also eschewed Twitter and issued the following message today on the floor of the Senate.
“The mob was fed lies,” McConnell said on the U.S. Senate floor of the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol and killed a police officer. “They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of branch of the federal government.”
If McConnell’s self-serving change of heart is any indication, the Senate may do the right thing and indict, try and convict 45 thus ending the possibility of his rising from the ashes four years from now to continue his destruction of the country from within the White House. I had feared his Twitter twatting but that too has had a stake driven through its heart so, patriots, take heart.
to harbor such hate. You “won,” yet can’t be gracious/ forward looking , rather, acting defiant and guilty, as are many of your persuasion. Unfortunate for the country, as a whole..
Congressman Smith has served all citizens equally and honestly. I applaud his decision to leave Twitter. I have stopped posting and will deactivate my account as well.
God Bless Congressman Smith, agree w/ Greg, he has served all citizens equally, has tried to keep the illegals from obtaining the dl’s at the corrupt DMV, and has stood up for 2nd amend rights for us in this liberal cesspool of a state. Screw Twitter!
The above is not my post someone’s shadowing me, 3rd time on this site.
you are obsessed buddy!