Trump campaign, GOP, sues Murphy to block vote-by-mail election

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee and the New Jersey Republican Party have sued New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Secretary of State Tahesa Way in federal court to block the enforcement of Murphy’s Executive Order requiring a vote-by-mail election this November.
The Republicans claim that Murphy’s Order exceeds his authority, violates New Jersey law and violates the Elections Clause of the United States Constitution.
They are seeking an federal Court Order declaring Murphy’s Order unconstitutional, a permanent injunction prohibiting Murphy from implementing and enforcing his Order, as well as a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction during the Court proceedings.
“Mr. Murphy’s order relegates in-person voting—the most secure method—to second-class status by deeming every ballot cast at a polling place ‘provisional,’” Trump deputy campaign manager Justin Clark Clark said, according to The New Jersey Globe. “Citizens who want to vote in person face a real threat that their ballots won’t be counted.”
“Governor Murphy has exceeded his authority again and again and again this year, and we’ve fought him every step of the way. Now, he’s attempting to blow up decades of established election law, and a system that is working, through an executive order,” said State Senator Michael Testa, the NJGOP’s attorney. “Not only does the election system he’s attempting to implement virtually guarantee some number of votes are lost, miscounted, or double counted, it undermines the faith our citizens have in our elections. The Governor is exceeding his constitutional authority, all in pursuit of a system that is riskier than Russian roulette.”
Another reason to defy this demonic, tyrannical despot who’s been systemically ignoring the Bill of Rights & The Constitution. Lets give him a protest–he likes them.
I thought Trump wasn’t fond of protests?
Defy Murphy & protest has mail in vote order. He doesn’t represent the NJ people he rules them !! BTW he said “The Bill of Rights is above his pay grade”, that says it all to me.
is Leo or you’re a LEO?