Singhs says he filed DOJ complaint against NJ Attorney General

Hirsh Singh, a contender for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in the July 7 primary, says he has filed a complaint with the U. S. Department of Justice over the NJ Attorney General’s Cease and Desist letter demanding that he stop advising voters to request a duplicate ballot if they did not vote for him. The Cease and Desist letter also demanded that Singh provide the government with a list of voters to whom he sent his ‘hoodwinked letter.’
Singh also complains that the NJ Secretary of State improperly helped one of his opponents in the primary, Rik Mehta, for failing to provide Mehta’s nominating petition signatories to the Singh campaign in a timely manner, thereby preventing him from challenging signatures by registered Democrats.
Asked by MMM to provide a copy of the complaint, Singh provided the following memo on campaign letterhead:
Singh-For-Senate_DOJ-Main-ComplaintEarlier this week Singh said he was not sure the NJ Attorney General’s letter was real and not a political dirty trick orchestrated by his political opponents. The NJ Office of the Attorney General confirmed the authenticity of the letter after being contacted by MMM.
MMM has twice advised Singh to hire an attorney.
The Village Idiot, An Idiot Sandwich who at first I had great hopes for. But then, he enrolled in the Joe Rullo School Of Politics
The only good thing about this current campaign is that he will lose BIGLY and be run out of politics as the laughing stock he has become, just like his Jedi Master, Joe Rullo.
That does NOT mean I am totally aligned with Rik. It’s more about how nasty Singh has become in his desperation to be relevant. That includes his tirade at the Monmouth County GOP Convention
Singh? Don’t let the door hit you in the ass as you are exited from the political stage on Tuesday.