Singh defends telling voters to request duplicate ballots, unsure if he will comply with AG’s Cease and Desist Order

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Hirsh Singh is defending his letter asking GOP primary voters to request a duplicate ballot from their County Clerk if they have already cast a vote for his opponent. Singh said he was unsure if his campaign would comply with Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s demand that he cease mailing the letter and surrender his mailing list of potential voters to the State.
Singh caught the attention of New Jersey’s political reporters and Republican leaders this afternoon when a letter he sent to primary voters suggesting it was their patriotic duty to request a duplicate ballots from their County Clerk if they had been hoodwinked into voting for Rik Mehta for U.S. Senate landed on twitter.

Singh’s letter prompted stern responses from Camden GOP Chairman Rich Ambrosino and Essex GOP Chairman Al Barlas before Attorney General Grewal weighed in with a Cease and Desist Letter invoking the threat of prosecution and demanding that the candidate turn over his mailing list to State and County election officials.
MMM spoke to Singh twice on Thrusday. In the first interview which was prior to the Attorney General’s letter being issued, Singh said he consulted with County Clerks prior to sending his letter. He sent us a link to the Camden County website which has a Q&A which seems to support his position that a voter can request a duplicate ballot to change their vote.

“We’re not asking people to vote twice,” Singh said. “If someone has filled out their ballot for Mehta, and the ballot is sitting on their kitchen table, they should be able to get a replacement ballot and vote for me if that’s what they want to do.”
Following the Attorney General’s letter being released, Singh said he was unsure if he would comply or take the matter to Court.
He provided MMM with the following statement:
“Camden County’s website clearly states a common reason to request a duplicate mail in ballot is voting incorrectly on your ballot.
“It is very obviousl the intention of our letter was not to vote twice, but to legally obtain a duplicate ballot.
“The fact that the media was sent the letter from the attorney general’s office at the same time our campaign recived it shows us games are being played the same unfair way they treat President Trump.
“There has been a concerted effort to hoodwink the voters.
“My opponent is a lifelong Democrat, and they are trying to jamn him through the Republican Primary to protect Cory Booker.
“We don’t do anything wrong on this. The campaign consulted county officials before sending out the letter and we are fighting for the people.
“It is my responsibility to let people know the truth.”
This is a precursor to problems that will occur in Nov- and, with some counties getting new “card” machines, in which people can actually “ change” their minds at the polls, and request a second ballot, which the board worker has to void the old one, and just count the new, the fraud and inaccuracy potential is terrifying. Hope election boards and officials are up to these tasks in a very heated, important year..
So far, there is only evidence of REPUBLICANS encouraging voters to vote twice. And he has not stopped, I received his deceptive mailer today designed to make it look like it was important new info about the prior ballots.
some officials there are apparently in trouble for potential voter fraud:is just about all Dems, up there. When it all shakes out, will probably learn Dems are much more adept at voter fraud. The old adage “ if ya can’t win on ideas, steal it,” will likely be tried to happen, in November..