Applefield: Schmid is “quite objectionable”

In a candid interview with MMM, David Applefield, one of the three candidates vying for the Democrat nomination to take on Congressman Chris Smith in CD-4, said that he found one of his opponents, Stephanie Schmid, “quite objectionable.” Applefield expressed his respect for his other opponnent, Christine Conforti.
“Stephanie is absent of ideas,” the Red Bank resident and small business owner said. “She is not that kind of leader that will advance us. She does not represent the ideas or leadership to transform the district in a positive direction. She’s not forthright.”
I asked the candidate what specifically makes Schmid “quite objectionable.”
Schimd is a misandrist and an ageist.
“Four times in public, she said it makes no sense to replace one old white man with another,” Applefield said.
Schmid endorsed Mike Bloomberg for President
“Her endorsement of Mike Bloomberg says a lot about her. She did that because she thought he would give her money,” the candidate said.
Legal Background Defending Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
“The Transocean/BP oil spill killed 11 people and polluted 600 miles of the gulf coast. Schmid says she’s spent her entire career defending human rights, but she went to work for a law firm that specializes in industrial suits of this sort. Hypocrisy.”
“She’s is not forthright”
Schmid has misled CD-4 Democrats about her legal background and her ability to raise money. “She is not forthright.”
Applefield had good things to say about his other opponent in the primary, Christine Conforti.
“Christine is refreshing and morally driven. She has a youthful energy and is driven by the right things. She is courageous. “
“I am courageous too,” he added.
All the Democrat candidates for this nomination are objectionable