Howell GOP mayoral candidate proposes framework for high school graduations

By Suzanne Brennan
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every New Jersey resident. As such, I fully support all responsible measures necessary to protect our residents during the pandemic. That being said, we simply must advance solutions that allow for the safe re-opening of our state on a clear and more accelerated basis. Governor Murphy’s actions to date have been slow and ineffective; we lack crucial details about how and when we will get NJ back online. Among the many more disappointing aspects of the Governor’s response has been his decision to prohibit high school graduations. While we must protect against unmanaged large gatherings, there is no question we that can design safe and efficient solutions to allow for graduation ceremonies. Our high school seniors deserve this.
Toward that end, I am calling on the Governor to set up a state-wide task force of education and school business leaders to design Guidelines for Safe Graduation Ceremonies (“Guidelines”). While we have been given a glimmer of hope that there “may” be graduations in late July, we need to work hard now to ensure that this will become a reality and not an empty promise. Below is a suggested preliminary outline for the task force and certain items for consideration:
Task Force
The task force should be convened immediately to develop and issue Guidelines for safe graduation ceremonies on or before May 30, 2020. The task force shall convene as often as needed over conference call or socially distanced in-person meetings. The task force should be kept manageable and include: • The county superintendents and/or their designee • The colonel of the NJ State Police or their designee • Representative of the NJEA • Representative from the State’s Office of Emergency Management .
The Guidelines should include a set of written criteria to ensure a safe and efficient graduation, addressing requirements for locations, timing, visitors, etc. The written Guidelines shall be published state-wide and may be applied to public and private high school graduation ceremonies.
Immediate Suggestions
There are a variety of solutions that may be applied to ensure a safe and responsible graduation ceremony. Some ideas include:
• The events shall be held outdoors. A primary date should be set with a backup date(s) in the event of inclement weather.
• The use of large field space that can allow for outdoor accommodations, generally a football field or other sizeable open space. • Graduate seating shall allow for proper social distancing of 6-feet between students. If needed, more than one ceremony shall be arranged for classes of larger sizes.
• Each graduate should be limited to 2 guests.
• Guest seating must comply with social distancing in the bleachers and/or other outdoor seating that allows for social distancing.
• Each student and their guests shall travel to the event in a single vehicle to limit the number of cars.
• Proper measures shall be taken to limit the number of administrative attendees along with social distancing at the podium.
• Criteria for post-graduation events for photos and gatherings shall be arranged. Schools should arrange for a photographer so that pictures of all seniors can be easily secured.
The plan should also address and contemplate the use of masks and address the management of entry and exit to the event along with other related details.
Our Seniors Deserve a Graduation
High school seniors living in Howell and across New Jersey have earned the opportunity to complete their high school years with thoughtful, responsible graduation ceremonies. Logistically, we can develop criteria that allows for a safe process. The ceremonies will be voluntary, for any senior who chooses to participate. Let us give our seniors and their families credit for knowing who they should have attend as guests so as not to have someone in poor health or at-risk participate. Rather than continuing to issue proclamations limiting what our residents can do, let us all start finding solutions that allow us to get back to the traditions our residents long for and deserve.
Governor Murphy: Let’s get this done. You can count on me to help in any way.
Suzanne Brennan is the Republican Candidate for Mayor in Howell Township, Monmouth County, NJ. Suzanne may be reached at [email protected].