Murphy: Pet grooming is OK. Human grooming, only if you’re related to or sleeping with your stylist

Governor Phil Murphy and Superintendent of State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan announced an Administrative Order on Monday clarifying the list of businesses permitted to operate during the COVID-19 State of Emergency.
Pet grooming, pet daycare and pet boarding services are considered essential under Murphy’s Executive Order #107 and are permitted to operate.
Human grooming servicers–barbers, hair stylists, mani-pedis, massage providers, etc., cannot operate out of a retail establishment but they CAN do house calls ONLY if the customer is a household member, immediate family member, care taker or romantic partner. I’m looking forward to the facebook comments on this one.
Car dealers can sell cars online or on the phone. Test drives are allowed only if the customer drives the car alone. If the car isn’t sold, it must be disinfected following the test drive.
Stores that sell religious items necessary for religious observation or worship are considered essential and may operate only under social distancing protocols.
Today’s Order can be found here.
Executive Order 107 can be found here.
strikes again
Yeah so Mister Governor I can’t believe you said that about hairdressers. I guess you’re not sleeping with any of us. And for all of us to go out make house calls you guys can’t keep track of it. That makes absolutely no freaking sense. Keeping your state of New Jersey quarantine is not working for you, and certainly is not working for us. Please get your head out of your butt and do something
Your comment wins the Social Media Comment Of The Day Award 🙂