
Christie and Murphy Exchange Christmas Greetings and Budget Barbs

That really short honeymoon is over. Gov. Chris Christie and Gov.-elect Phil Murphy are at odds over the incoming governor’s request that Christie refrain from spending extra money or doing anything to worsen the state’s finances during his final month in office. Murphy’s 14-item request came in the form of a letter sent to Christie’s office…

Posted: December 12th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, New Jersey, Phil Murphy | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Christie and Murphy Exchange Christmas Greetings and Budget Barbs”

  1. Watch said at 9:13 am on December 12th, 2017:

    “… Christie accused Murphy of embellishing the state’s immediate fiscal woes and calling for extraordinary and unwarranted financial measures.”
    Yes, exactly. Der Murpf is setting the stage for a tax increase, probably even bigger than he promised.

  2. Perhaps said at 9:56 am on December 12th, 2017:

    they wouldn’t have been exchanging barbs at all, if the big guy had just: 1.mentioned his LG’s name and, especially this year, highlighted her service, especially in all of his absences, 2. not been such an egomaniac that the bridge mess got totally out of control, and 3. not flaunted his largeness by plopping down on a beach closed to everyone else! Ugh!… Now, we suffer even more!! Such a swell parting gift to all his supporters who got him there, and what a way to go from a re- election landslide, to a crushing defeat for a bright, nice, loyal lady, who did not deserve it!

  3. Mike Harmon said at 11:05 am on December 12th, 2017:

    “Sharpton gives Murphy a hero’s welcome”, Booker looks for a ledge.

    MURPHY 2020

  4. I hope said at 7:13 pm on December 12th, 2017:

    Murphy runs in 2020: by that time, the only people left in NJ are the lib millionaires who like paying more taxes, and those on relief, we are a mess from the fallout of high kids and drivers, and our bond ratings are even more negative than under the big guy. I bet our fine useless senator Booker would have a problem with that. And LizzieWarren, and Biden, (if not dead,) and my worst fear, Michele O!