Asbury Park Press Depicts Republican Assembly Candidate As Chicken
Gopal and Weinberg condemn hot mess chicken cartoon, silent on District 4 Coalition For Change hate posts
The Asbury Park Press has done an admirable job for most of this year focusing on New Jersey’s ridiculously high taxes, but as we are about to enter election season, the media outlet is apparently trying to help reelect liberal special interest puppets, Eric Houghtailing and Joann Downey, to the State Assembly.
In a recommended website post promotion on Friday evening, that remains on the site this morning, app depicts Ocean Township Deputy Mayor Rob Acerra, one of Houghtailing and Downey’s Republican opponents, as a chicken and asks if he is sexist.
The content of the promoted story is ridiculous.

Vin Gopal, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg and Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey condemned facebook’s hot mess chicken as sexist
A facebok account in Acerra’s name allegedly posted a facebook provided cartoon of a hot mess chicken as a comment on Houghtailing and Downey’s campaign page on the social media outlet. The comment was allegedly posted on a promotion of Houghtaling and Downey’s Womens’ Equality Day event. The app reporter stated, as fact, that the post came from Acerra’s account. However, the reporter did not include a screen grab of the comment in the article. Acerra said he didn’t make the post, that he wasn’t on facebook at the time of the post and that he did not see how it was possible that he made the post accidentally.
Houghtailing and Downey quickly issued a joint prepared statement condemning the as sexist. Their state Senate running mate, Vin Gopal issued a strongly worded statement claiming he would not stand for such sexism on the campaign trail,
“Rob Acerra’s Facebook post is unacceptable and should be condemned. Sexism should have no place in our state and I will not stand for it on the campaign trail.”
Even NJ Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg weighed in with a prepared statement denouncing “Acerra’s” post,
“For centuries, women and men have worked tirelessly to promote women’s equality and yet, nearly 100 years following the ratification of the 19th Amendment, sexism still runs rampant across our country. Today, we were saddened and frustrated to see such an obvious example of this discrimination directed at efforts by Assemblywoman Downey and Assemblyman Houghtaling to honor women’s equality. Sexism should have no place in our country, state, or community, and it is completely unacceptable to allow it from someone seeking the chance to represent our families. We stand strong in denouncing Rob Acerra’s blatant display of sexism and we hope we are joined by leaders across party lines.”
Gopal, Weinberg, Houghtailing and Downey all quickly condemned Acerra for a post he says he didn’t make, yet each of them have been silent about the hateful depictions of police officers as Nazis, Mother Theresa as a sadist and women who vote Republican as stupid posted by District 4 Coalition for Change, the hate group that is supporting Monmouth County Democrats.
Acerra shared his facebook activity log for Friday with MMM. There are no comments on Houghtaling and Downey’s campaign page in the log.
Acerra is not a chicken or a sexist. It took courage and fortitude to agree to be Jennifer Beck’s running mate.
The District 11 Republicans who turned Beck down to run against Houghtaling and Downey are chickens. Especially considering the millions in NJEA money spent on Houghtaling and Downey’s behalf to falsely depict former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini as corrupt in 2015.
The idea that a sexist man would agree to run with Jennifer Beck is ludicrous.
UPDATE 4:40 pm 8/27/17
Since this story posted this morning, has removed the photo of Acerra from it’s promotions cue and replaced it with a photo of facebook emojis.
Just wondering, why would a woman–any woman vote for a Republican in Monmouth County? Everyone one of them, with the exception of Senator Singer, voted NO to women’s equality!! And of course Rob Clifton did not vote–which is the equivalent of voting NO.
Because the bill you’re referring to, Why Would, did nothing to enhance women’s equality!
All it did was create a paper work burden on employers and new government jobs to monitor and process the paper work
because Monmouth is and has been ahead of the curve, promoting and electing women at all levels , for many years.( many of whom were/ are Republicans.) Many of the 60’s and later feminists really need to get a grip and get beyond their hatred of men and sick obsession with baby killing.. enough of the same old- our state is broke, broken, and needs people to get smart and come up with ways to fix the many problems we face!!
I find this platform to be both a boom,and an increasing bust, to folks in and seeking office: the false gossip and nasty, personal attacks are so not helpful, in public discourse. Then again, hey, this candidate got his name id elevated,by apparent nonsense..
It took courage to run with Beck is an understatement; their major mistake, running with Beck. She is without accomplishments even with all the flip-flopping she does. 11th can and will do better with Gopal.
Mr. Sage one of the oldest ploys of tax-and-spend politicians is to attach monikers like “fair” or “equal” to their nefarious schemes. As you likely know (or should know) federal law prohibits paying different salaries based on gender. To her credit, Senator Beck voted in the best interests of her constituents. Not in the interests of those looking to further increase the state payrolls at a time when New Jersey’s financial state is in disorder.
Jennifer Beck does not care about her constituents, she only votes to appease her own needs at that time. She is a fake. Time to elect talent. Her 20+ year self-interest reign and lack of accomplishments need to end. Voting for Vin Gopal is in the best interest of the residents. Time to take the Senate position seriously everyday of every year, not just during election time. Long overdue, it’s time to vote in a person who cares to work for all the residents and businesses. Gopal will work hard.
Foment even more divisions among us by hanging with extremist trouble- making groups? Vote to legalize and tax pot? Vote to further increase al the taxes Murph wants to raise, from day one? Oh wow, some improvement that would be..not..
Gopal is a hard worker who is looking to bring tax relief to homeowners and will do what is right for the people over party. Beck has had 20 years and has done nothing for property tax reform, nothing but cheap talk and flip- flop, she has done nothing at all. She talks a big talk around election time then disappears. Most in Trenton know she’s washed up and has been for years. Our District deserves better, Give Gopal a shot to bring his open dialogue and caring manners to Trenton. He does not want tax increases and will work for true property tax reform.