Christie’s New Low

Govenor Chris Christie at his Belmar Town Hall on July 31, 2014
Only 18% of New Jersey registered voters approve of Governor Chris Christie’s job performance and 73% disapprove, according to a FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning. 52% of registered Republicans disapprove of Christie’s performance. 33% of Republicans approve.
“A proposed renovation of the statehouse may improve the executive wing, but public attitudes are proving more difficult to change. This is the lowest recorded approval rating for any New Jersey governor in the years since the FDU poll has been measuring voter attitudes,” said Krista Jenkins, professor of political science and director of PublicMind.
Most of New Jersey voters, 71%, believe that Christie should have been a defendant in the Bridgegate trial that convicted his former Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridget Ann Kelly, and former State Senator/Port Authority executive Bill Baroni in the George Washington Bridge lane closures that occurred in September of 2013 during Christie’s campaign for reelection.
Only 20% of the poll respondents said that New Jersey is headed in the right direction. 70%, including 65% of Republicans are not happy with the direction that the state is headed.
Please do not let this guy be the next national Chair: way to melt our hard- earned gains at all levels, with this one at the helm! Am sure one of the high- powered law firms can fold him in- this was a political career that had much promise, but that was squandered for the sake of too much ego. And, to all “up- and- comers:” word to the wise!
First time I recall anyone polling below Satan who is at 19%.
Next free-fall target is Congress at 15%
If you weighted the poll results based on IQ, Christie’s approval rating would drop to 0.23.