
Retired Police and Corrections Officers Endorse Sheriff Shaun Golden for Reelection

local-600The New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association Retired Officers Local #600 has endorsed Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden for another three year term leading the county’s law enforcement and public safety office.

The endorsement was published in the September edition of New Jersey COPS magazine and followed an August 30th visit to the Monmouth County Public Safety Center in Freehold by Local 600 President Tom Lombardi and Local 600 State Delegate Jim Toma.

Toma wrote that the Public Safety Center is “the most technologically advanced multi-functional police/fire/emergency services building in New Jersey” and is the result of Golden’s “dream, perseverance and the belief in him placed by Monmouth County officials and taxpayers.”  The facility  houses the Sheriff’s Office, communications for all police, fire and emergency management, an operations center for natural disasters and emergency services and operations for the police academy and corrections.

Golden’s career as a police officer in Colts Neck and Toms River, as well as his service as a volunteer firefighter, paramedic and EMT, his commitment to residents with Special Needs, memory impaired seniors and children with autism, and his programs to impact the heroin epidemic through both education and law enforcement were cited as reasons for the Local’s ringing endorsement.

The New Jersey COPS article can be read here.

Posted: October 31st, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Retired Police and Corrections Officers Endorse Sheriff Shaun Golden for Reelection

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