Gopal blames County Republicans, MoreMonmouthMusings for Middletown High School North controversy

Monmouth Democratic Chairman “Goofy” Gopal and Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty also blamed a protest at a campaign fundraiser on the Monmouth GOP and this website
In an email to the members of the Middletown Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools Dr. William George, Monmouth County Democrat Chairman Vin Gopal blamed the controversy about his candidates for Surrogate and Freeholder campaigning in a Middletown High School North honors Government, Law and Public Policy Program (GLP3) seminar on the Monmouth County Republicans and this website.
“I feel sorry for the school district that the County Republicans and a local blogger are trying to create a witch hunt and create an issue that does not exist,” Gopal wrote in his email last evening.
There he goes again. Whenever things go wrong for Gopal he blames the Republicans, this website and the boogeyman.
That’s one of the reasons why we call him Goofy.
On August 10, 2016 Belmar residents staged a protest outside of Belmar Mayor”Lawless Matt”Doherty’s $1.4 million home during a widely publicized campaign fundraiser which featured U.S. Senator Cory Booker. When Booker arrived he was greeted by residents holding signs protesting Doherty allowing a high dollar campaign contributor to land a helicopter in a borough park, the denial of a liquor license transfer to a local small business after they had already built their new restaurant with the approval of the borough and the almost $50 million in debt that Doherty ran up as mayor.

Screenshot of Surrogate Candidate Vincent Solomeno’s facebook post about campaigning in Middletown High School North. MMM has reduced the size of the photo to protect the identity of the students.
Gopal and Doherty blamed the protest on the Monmouth County Republicans and this website, according to PolitickerNJ. They alleged that the Monmouth GOP and this website paid the protesters to disrupt the party.
Gopal later denied making the allegation. Then he falsely implied that Monmouth County government paid a 17 year old protestor. Doherty continued to maintain the allegation he first make on facebook with a campaign letter to Belmar residents.
Regarding Gopal’s most recent allegation that the “County Republicans and a local blogger are trying to create a witch hunt and create an issue that does not exist,” the issue exists because a photo of the candidates and school children appeared on Democrat Surrogate candidate Vincent Solomeno’s campaign facebook page with a caption claiming the candidates were speaking to the students about county government. None of the candidates have any experience in county government.
This website does not speak for the Monmouth GOP, but to our knowledge they were not involved in having the Monmouth Democrats being invited to campaign in a Middletown High School North GLP3 seminar.
Related storys:
Monmouth Democrats were invited to campaign at Middletown High School North during school hours
Monmouth Democrats threaten to sue over the Middletown High School North story
Ethics complaint filed against Doherty over helicopter landing
Dirty Doherty, Gopal Accuse Monmouth GOP and MoreMonmouthMusings of staging Belmar protest
Goofy Gopal Denies Accusing Monmouth GOP, MoreMonmouthMusings of Paying Belmar Protestors
Doherty, Gopal continue to bully young protestor
More Lawlessness from Dirty Doherty
In the 1930’s and early 1940’s there was a PR guy by the name of Paul Joseph Goebbels who was known as the Master of Lies who headed the Ministry of Propoganda for the Third Reich.
I wonder if the dem county chair believes in reicarnation? That could explain the similarities.
J. Edgar Hoover once wrote a book entitled “Masters of Deceit”. Perhaps the dem county chairman has taken this to heart!