Freeholders Give Combat Wounded Vets Special Parking Privileges

The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Gary Rich, Lillian Burry, Director Tom Arnone, Deputy Director Serena DiMaso and John Curly, commemorate the installation of a Wounded Warrior parking spot at the Hall of Records.
The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders has followed the lead of Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso in making the lives of combat wounded war veterans a little easier.
Under a new program announced yesterday, the Freeholders are designating special parking spaces at county facilities for use by Purple Heart Medal recipients.
“We all recognize the tremendous sacrifices our military personnel have made to secure the freedoms we enjoy every day,” said DiMaso. “Regretfully, many of these men and women have returned home with physical and emotional injuries that will follow them the rest of their lives. A designated parking space is a simple way to say thank you.”
DiMaso spearheaded this effort with the County after her hometown, Holmdel, joined the program. the signs are being installed at the Hall of Records, county parks, libraries and other frequently visited facilities.
The Freeholders have written to the mayors of all Monmouth County towns asking them to designate special parking for wounded vets.
The signs are provided, without cost to taxpayers, by Wounded Warrior Family Support (WWFS). Installation and delivery of the signs are covered by the county and any municipality that joins the program.
“Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our freedoms, so it’s important we do what is right for them. Designated parking for combat-wounded veterans makes perfect sense to provide this deserving recognition,” said Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone.
The “courtesy spots” are not legally designated like handicapped spots the carry hefty fines for unauthorized use. However, citizens are encouraged (by MoreMonmouthMusings, not the freeholders) to photograph cars parked in the spots that do not have a Purple Heart designation, including the drivers if you can catch them, and to shame the jerks by posting the photos on facebook, twitter and instagram.
WWFS provides “Combat Parking” signs free of charge to businesses, churches, schools and colleges, government, and medical facilities who provide a FEDEx or UPS label to cover the shipping cost.