Monmouth GOP: Doherty is bought and paid for by out of county special interests

Republicans Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso
The Monmouth County Republican Organization said that Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Freeholder in the June 7 primary, is bought and paid for by Trenton lobbyists, Wall Street executives and North Jersey political bosses “seeking to turn Monmouth County Government into their own Hudson County style patronage machine.”
In a press release distributed Monday afternoon, the Monmouth GOP organization said that Doherty’s latest campaign finance report indicates that over 60% of the $98,000 he disclosed the source of came from donors who reside outside of Monmouth County.
The GOP also noted that Lawless Matt appears to be thumbing his nose at Belmar’s own pay to play ordinance and a Superior Court Judge’s ruling that ordinance is law.
“Furthermore, $18,000 of Doherty’s unreported political contributions appear to be in violation of Belmar’s pay to play ordinance that was upheld and ordered to be enforced by order of the Superior Court last month,” the statement said.
If Doherty, who is running on Hillary Clinton’s line on the primary ballot, is successful on June 7, he is likely to be bracketed against Deputy Freeholder Serena DiMaso on the general election ballot in November.
“It’s important that we know whether Doherty is accepting money from Belmar vendors, liquor license holders, and professionals in violation of the law,” said Freeholder Serena DiMaso. “Monmouth County can’t afford politicians like Doherty, who since becoming Mayor, has raised Belmar’s debt 123%. We need strong leaders who put Monmouth County taxpayers first, rather than elected officials who are beholden to special interests.”
DiMaso noted that she and her Republican running mates, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters and Freeholder Director Tom Arnone have presided over the largest tax cut in Monmouth County history while maintaining a AAA bond rating, in contrast to Doherty who has run up the credit card balance in Belmar.
do not make the same mistake D.11 made last year: don’t start with the hit pieces that give the newcomers running against you free name ID.. Go positive with your accomplishments in office, and repeat your names, again and again: it may come as a shock, but the average voter has zero clue as to who actually runs their county: they may vote for people whose names they might recall, when they are in there..with this being presidential, you are married to that column, and many who will vote are every-four-year voters, so, the more they see/ hear your names, the better shot they will continue down the right column..