
Record number of N.J. residents living in poverty, study finds

assetContent (15)More New Jersey residents are in poverty now than in the past five decades and the outlook for the future is bleak in a state that boasts being one of the wealthiest in the nation, according to a report released Sunday. The findings in the study done for Legal Services of New Jersey paint a grim…

Posted: November 15th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Economy, New Jersey | Tags: , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Record number of N.J. residents living in poverty, study finds”

  1. Mike Harmon said at 11:22 am on November 15th, 2015:

    Spoto uses this photo of this guy walking down the street drinking a beer in full view of garbage filled lot. This photo has been used before to highlight NJ poverty by the media. It is one thing to be poor (many of us come from once poor families) and quite another to live in filthy conditions without doing anything about it. For whatever reason, these hell holes are always continuously pillaged and plundered by the CORRUPT DEMOCRAT MACHINE.

    If I was the Mayor of Irvington, I would have been so embarrassed that I would have sent the public works crew out to pick up the garbage and sent the owner the bill. If the town is the owner, even more shame on them. I challenge the reporter to do some real reporting and go take a picture of that lot today.

    Here would be my “first start” solution list to at least make the communities look livable.
    1. Code enforcement letters to every vacant lot owner in the town – you have three months to pick up the trash or your will be fined.
    2. Direct judges to stop fining these kids for COC or other violations. They can not pay the fines anyway. Community Service every Saturday. Hundreds of young people doing community services block-by-block cleanup. Send the owners a bill.
    3. Soon you will get all the younger people 10-14 who have not been corrupted to join the cleanup fight. It is fun to pickup your town and make it look better.
    4. Enlist the Churches and Non-Profits to provide Saturday food for the every Saturday cleanup.
    5. Pick a place for a nice bon fire at the end of the day to THANK THE LORD & the Mayor for bringing the good people together.
    6. Form Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops (if they don’t exist). Camp in the biggest park in town couple times a year after tree planting day.

    That is a simple and not expensive.

  2. Proof positive said at 11:58 am on November 15th, 2015:

    that continually falling for and voting for the lib Dem promises and platitudes, results in a “wha happened?” wake up call- but they never realize that “free” isn’t free, and decreasing amounts of taxpayers cannot foot the bills for everything and everybody. NJ is supposed to be a more “educated” lot, but their largely lib education, and set-in-stone,self-inflicted wounds of their voting patterns, condemn us to a drop in living standards and more actual poverty, all around. The mayor above is not wrong: but, it appears the fall- back for real solutions and common sense, responsible actions and behaviors is “poor, victimized us- do even more FOR us.”