
Hornik Confident At Campaign Kickoff

Congressman Frank Pallone and Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik. photo via facebook

Congressman Frank Pallone and Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik. photo via facebook

Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik bursts into laughter when considering his opponent, Ira Goldberg, according to a report on PoltickerNJ about the Democrats’ campaign kickoff at the home of Hornik’s law partner (and unelected Deputy Mayor) Larry Rosen last evening.

“No one has told our opponents that they’re going to lose,” said Hornik where he stood, microphone in hand, at the end of a pool in the back of Rosen’s yard, shortly after someone killed the Giorgio Moroder soundtrack featuring a nymph-like synthesized voice of someone who sounded a lot like Basia with a heavy dose of Mellotron.

“I’m happy that he’s having his event at Bella Vista in town – it’s good for local business,” the mayor said.

But when asked about Goldberg – whose Wednesday evening fundraiser features Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R-21) – Hornik said he had never heard of him until the Republican surfaced as a candidate.

“He claims to have been here for 38 years,” Hornik said. “Our paths have never crossed in 38 years.”

Congressman Frank Pallone, who lost Marlboro to Anthony Wilkinson, 4,157-3731, while winning reelection last year was on hand to support Hornik and his “Right Team,” telling PolitickerNJ, “I think he’s done a great job of running an efficient government.”

The Republican nominee for Mayor, Goldberg, laughed when informed about Hornik’s dissing him.  “Most of the people I’ve met knocking on doors throughout the summer have not crossed paths with the mayor either,” Goldberg said. “He’ll know who I am on November 3.”

In a press release this morning about the kickoff event, the Hornik team touted their control of municipal spending since 2008:

Under Mayor Hornik’s guidance, Marlboro Township has seen municipal taxes stabilize with a zero percent tax increase on the municipal level this year.  Hornik is a life-long resident of Marlboro and has been Mayor of the township since 2008.  He and his wife, Daryl, are currently raising three children of their own in town.  Mayor Hornik is a practicing attorney who also volunteers as a baseball and soccer coach for boys and girls teams, part of the original founding family of the Marlboro Jewish Center and a founder of the Citizens Against Reckless Development.

“I have been extremely grateful to have the opportunity to serve as mayor of my hometown,” said Hornik.  “Marlboro is a tremendous place to live, raise a family, work, play, and start a business and I take great pride in all that we have accomplished together and in keeping our township moving in the right direction.  In my time as Mayor, we have been confronted with and fought off the adversity presented to us by Superstorm Sandy, unprecedented winter snowstorms, and the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.  Through it all we have upgraded municipal services, kept municipal taxes stable and made Marlboro one of the most desirable and safest Towns in New Jersey.  And this year there is no increase in the municipal portion of our resident’s property taxes.  Working with my partners on the Township Council, Randi Marder and Mike Scalea, who share my vision and goals for our Town, we are anticipating an even brighter future for the place we all call home.”

“The mayor has been balancing the budget with fiscal gimmicks, one shot deals and deferring necessary infrastructure” Goldberg said. “Over the next 60 days my running mates, Sui Allex and John Dwyer, and I will be bringing a message of responsible and transparent leadership to Marlboro voters. If we get all of Wilkinson’s voters and a few more, we’ll win and Marlboro will be much better off.”

Posted: September 2nd, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Hornik Confident At Campaign Kickoff”

  1. Jimmy Jones said at 3:45 pm on September 2nd, 2015:

    So much for supposed objective journalism. But that is OK.


    When he announced his campaign he boasted “everyone knows me”. Funny, nobody have spoken with has ever heard of him.

    Now he has changed his tune to “he will know who I am on Nov 3”???

    The history books will know who he is: defeated in the 2015 election, along with his “responsible and transparant” team.

    He is right, they are transparant and responsible people see right through him.

    He is just another scrifical lamb for the defunct Marlboro Republican party.

  2. What are you talking about.. said at 4:50 pm on September 2nd, 2015:

    …. with that “objective journalism” shot “Jimmy”?

    Art reported what Hornik said and reported Goldberg’s reaction.

    I miss the Art that always just beat up on Democrats.

  3. Jimmy Jones said at 6:26 pm on September 2nd, 2015:

    @ What are you talking about

    I especially like the shot at Larry Rosen:

    “kickoff at the home of Hornik’s law partner (and unelected Deputy Mayor) Larry Rosen last evening.”

    So you prove, like the other “red people” running that you know little about Marlboro Township government.

    We didn’t hear similar comments when Larry Rosenthal ( a close personal friend of Klienberg) was an “unelected Deputy Mayor” or that he personally bankrolled Klienberg out of his own pocket. We never heard any “quid pro quo” or political payback – did we?

  4. @Jimmy Jones said at 10:05 pm on September 2nd, 2015:

    Is Rosen an “unelected Deputy Mayor?”

    Did this site even exist when Kleinberg was mayor?

    I still don’t get your gripe.

  5. Mario Gallucci said at 6:47 am on September 3rd, 2015:

    What a great event last night at Bella Vista, as always Anthony and staff were spot on in crafting an exciting evening of food and libations!