
Fossil hunt 72 million years in the making

assetContentMIDDLETOWN-72 million years is a long time to be buried but it only took a few minutes to find. Finlay Reid, 8, from Collegeville, PA. dug in the cold stream with a small trowel and dug up a fossilized oyster. Poricy Brook has history washed down its banks after every storm unearthing fossils that were aliveā€¦

Posted: July 19th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Fossil hunt 72 million years in the making”

  1. Mike Harmon said at 8:44 am on July 20th, 2015:

    My friends and I used to slingshot hunt behind the Foodtown (by the evil clown) & the old Republican Headquarters on Highway #35. We were kids and not particularly in tune with property ownership and trespassing laws. If no one saw us or yelled at us, it was considered permission. We just got on our bikes.

    Anyway one day we were set up on this very high mound. Looking back I wonder if this property had been a sand mine years ago because it was rimmed along the highway with high ground.

    Anyway we started making a fort and when we dug into the ground, dozens and dozens of sharks teeth – we didn’t know what they were at the time. Took them to school and teacher told us.