
Golden: The Next Generation is a Republican Generation

Shaun Golden

Chairman Shaun Golden

Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden released a statement this morning announcing that his slate of municipal candidates this year included six Young Republican Leaders under the age of 35.

Candidates for local office filed to run with their respective Municipal Clerks all across Monmouth County on Monday. It is clear by the two parties’ selection of nominees, that Republicans in Monmouth County are the only ones offering voters a chance to elect a new generation of leaders with fresh, bold ideas for the future.

In Red Bank, Republicans have an opportunity to take control of the Council for the first time in 25 years, and put an end to the large tax increases, parking fee increases, and reckless borrowing that have plagued the town for decades. Red Bank Republicans have nominated Mark Taylor, age 32, and Mike Whelan, age 24. “In Red Bank, we have put forth candidates that reflect new ideas and will enact real, positive change, instead of the same old tired policies and excuses,” said local Republican Chairman Sean Di Somma, also a young Republican, age 33. “This November, voters will have a chance to turn tomorrow’s leaders into today’s leaders,” Di Somma added.

In Hazlet Township, where last year voters decided to take the town in a new direction with the election of Republican Sue Kiley, Republicans are looking to keep the town on the right track by nominating Thomas Mann, age 31, and William Shea, age 41, for the two open Township Committee seats. “We are looking forward to Tom and Bill’s leadership on the Township Committee. In our Party, we tap into the wisdom of our current leaders, but also tie in the younger demographic,” said local Republican Chairman Toby Stark, age 34. “Younger leaders often view problems and solutions with a different perspective. Sometimes a better perspective.”

In Freehold Borough, Democrats have held all seats on the governing body for many years. 21-year-old resident Jesus Vega looks to break that streak, as he has stepped forward to run for Mayor. Robert J. Gibbons, age 34, and Michael Gill, age 22, will be seeking the two open Borough Council seats. “Our residents need multi-generational representation. We need ideas from all segments of our community to bring much needed growth, opportunity, and prosperity to Freehold,” said local Republican Chairwoman Jane Fields. “Building community requires inclusiveness.”

“When I ran for County Party Chairman, I talked about the need to not only engage young voters, but to do a better job bringing up the next generation of leaders,” said County Party Chairman Shaun Golden. “I’m proud of all the young candidates who have stepped forward to serve their communities, many of them in places where new leadership and fresh ideas are desperately needed. They are in good company, as we have a lot of outstanding elected officials throughout the County who were elected at a young age, including Congressman Chris Smith, Senator Joe Kyrillos, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Tony Fiore and Stephanie Murray in Middletown, Charlie Cocuzza in Union Beach, among many others. The Republican Party is the only Party offering voters a clear, positive vision for the future in this November’s election.”

Posted: April 1st, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments »

12 Comments on “Golden: The Next Generation is a Republican Generation”

  1. Jim Granelli said at 11:11 am on April 1st, 2015:

    Nice Job!

  2. Shame on You Golden! said at 11:17 am on April 1st, 2015:

    Lets see: You mention Joe Kyrillos. Remember him? He is the one who failed to vote on the CC override of the Port Authority Transparency and Accountability Act. He originally voted for it–as did all Republicans–but got “spooked” when CC vetoed the bill. Kyrillos, along with the other Republicans had a chance to support and defend their original vote–but failed. They failed the taxpayers. I guess Kyrillos supports unethical and corrupt behavior.

    You failed to mention other towns–namely, Marlboro. There you have a town–the second most populated town–and they R’s have not won a race in years. At least Chris Dean did the honorable thing and RESIGNED!

  3. Registered Independent said at 12:28 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    @ShameOnYour: Take the GOP-bashing over to Jersey Shore Insider where you belong. This is a news site. Well done, Mr. Chairman, looks like the Monmouth GOP will have my vote again this year.

  4. Why Stop at Kyrillos? said at 12:51 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    I don’t see GOP bashing. Just well-deserved and well aimed criticism towards leaders–regardless of party– who do not look out for the taxpayers they supposedly represent.

    Read the below hyperlink. Does that sound like the Sheriff is looking out for the taxpayers of this county? As the top law enforcement official, he should have demanded a full and objective investigation into this guy Donovan violating pension laws. And if so broken, the sheriff should have demanded his resignation and full restitution.

    Yes, its been a while, but it is still smoldering. It deserves its rightful closure, which it never received.

    So for all you young leaders out there heed this: Do not act in an inappropriate, immoral, unethical and illegal manner!

    Please read the below hyperlink, and DO NOT FOLLOW THE LEADER! Good luck on the upcoming election.


  5. Jim Granelli said at 12:59 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    @ Registered

    You know, I sometimes wonder if people like “shame on” are liberals posting things like that to make people there is a great deal of dissension. I sure didn’t see that during last fall’s campaign.

    @Why stop (aka Jim Sage or one of his few ilk)

    Same old non story. You may think it’s smoldering, but it ain’t

  6. Tom Stokes said at 3:39 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    Good job, Sean. Keep up the great work. On to Victory in November!

    As for these malcontents spewing their divisive hatred against dynamic leaders like Joe Kyrillos, you could always file to run in a primary against those you disagree with.

    Wait a minute – you also have to be an enrolled member of the Republican Party to vote in a GOP primary. Oops – sorry malcontents – go back to the party of jackasses where you came from.

  7. Go, "M and M" said at 4:14 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    in Red Bank! It’s about time to break the Dem stranglehold that is forcing people out of town- hope the new Republicans will win all over and bring some sanity to the age- old tax and spend mentality that is killing the taxpayers.

  8. Hear ya, Joe, said at 8:13 pm on April 1st, 2015:

    and don’t disagree- am hoping to be among the escapees soon as well, but, as a lifelong R in a blue, lib state, am glad the brave few will step forward now to try- I personally concur: NJ really can’t be saved, but,for those who want to stay, maybe these new folks can help.

  9. Same Bill Shea? said at 2:01 pm on April 2nd, 2015:

    Is William Shea (41) the same “Bill Shea” that ran for Freeholder or some seat a few years ago? Life tells me if it’s the same guy he’s a 35 or 36 year old, in good shape, retired/disabled state trooper that has been looking to and expand and maximize his leeching of the public dole for years.

  10. @Same Bill Shea said at 6:36 pm on April 2nd, 2015:

    Must be different. That Shea was a union-funded Democrat

  11. No Gene said at 10:47 pm on April 2nd, 2015:

    There all scammers and schemers. There sole purpose is to get elected. Once that is done, they get their friends and family jobs.

    Really sad.

  12. Tom Szymanski said at 11:38 am on April 3rd, 2015:

    @Same: Different Bill Shea!