Historic Glimmer Glass Bridge connecting Brielle and Manasquan reopens 80 days ahead of schedule

Pictured left to right: Kevin Harms, Rob Harms and Jeff Brantly (all from Harms Construction Company, Inc.), Manasquan Mayor George Dempsey, Dan Healey (from Harms Construction Company, Inc.), Assemblyman David P. Rible, Manasquan Councilman Jeff Lee (in sunglasses), Freeholder Director Gary J. Rich, Sr., Manasquan Councilman Gregg Olivera (partially obscured), Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, Manasquan Councilman Owen McCarthy, County Public Works Director John W. Tobia and County Engineer Joseph Ettore.
MANASQUAN, NJ- The Glimmer Glass Bridge, which had been closed since last August due to significant damage to the bridge deck and immediate safety concerns was re-opened this afternoon, 80 days ahead of schedule. Repairs to the bridge performed by George Harms Construction Co. of Farmingdale were expected to be completed on May 29 as the summer tourist season kicks off.
“Reopening the Glimmer Glass Bridge is a welcome relief to the nearby residents and the communities of Manasquan and Brielle,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. “We appreciate all the work done by George Harms Construction to complete this deck replacement project 80 days ahead of schedule.”
“Harms Construction began work in October and worked weekends and overtime to complete the project well ahead of schedule,” said Freeholder Director Gary J. Rich, Sr. “With this being one of the coldest winters in recent memory, this was no small task.”
Assemblyman David P. Rible joined Arnone and Rich in meeting with Manasquan and Brielle officials this morning prior to the final element of the repairs, the center line striping, were completed.
“There are many people and agencies that had a hand in moving this repair project along,” said Arnone. “We thank the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the State Historic Preservation Office for helping to move the permitting process along. We also thank the Christie administration and the New Jersey Department of Transportation for looking favorably on the Glimmer Glass project.”
The repairs were funded by a $1.6 million grant from the NJ Department of Transportation’s Local Aid Infrastructure Fund.
The original bridge crossing the Glimmer Glass was built in 1898 as a fixed span bridge. On August 13, 1939, the current cable-lift bascule span bridge opened and began accommodating both marine and vehicle traffic. The bridge was refurbished in the 1950s and 1970s when the original components were replaced.
The Glimmer Glass Bridge is unique because it uses a rolling counterweight design to open. The bridge was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 25, 2008.
Monmouth County owns, operates and maintains the Glimmer Glass Bridge and three other movable, draw bridges as well as 976 other bridges and culverts throughout the 427-square mile county. All of these structures are monitored and maintained by the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders oversees the operation of county government infrastructure, activities and programs.