Why N.J. has seen historic lows in voter turnout recently
Editors note: Paula Sollami-Covello is the Mercer County Clerk, not the Monmouth County Clerk as reported above. M. Clare French is the Monmouth County Clerk.
Editors note: Paula Sollami-Covello is the Mercer County Clerk, not the Monmouth County Clerk as reported above. M. Clare French is the Monmouth County Clerk.
I say no, to the early voting idea.
First, last minute news, especially negative implications about electing a certain candidate could change people’s minds. We’ve had enough of the media hiding things about candidates. We deserve every last minute possible to vet them in the public eye.
Second, there are suggestions that early voting only allows a party to determine how many more people they need to drag to the polls, and yes; I will call them low information voters that really do not care to vote and are often, ill informed.
Third, we already have a vote by mail system. ANYONE can vote by mail. Better we just push that.
Finally, if someone doesn’t want to vote for whatever reason, who are we to demand they vote?
Art, do you have the bill number for the current Assembly Early Voting Bill?
It used to be an illusion – that voting made a difference. Now the reality is is emerging.
All seriousness aside, the communists have a method to guarantee high turnouts. Raise all taxes by 50% and give a tax break to those who vote. If they still won’t vote, cook the stats so that it looks like 98% voted.
Problem solved.
it makes any difference: nothing ever seems better or fixed in NJ. Shame on both parties.