Unofficial Results–Updated often
Monmouth County Freeholder results as of 11:12 PM: Burry 51,211, Rich 51,594, Luttrell 45,123, Grillo 43,199.

Monmouth GOP Chairman Shaun Golden announces Congressman Chris Smith’s victory and Freeholders Lillian Burry and Gary Rich’s lead
10:38 PM Multiple municipalities are reporting that the electronic cartridges from the voting machines are not being read properly. Paper printout of the results are being transported to the Board of Elections in Freehold.
MMM is reporting results from GOP headquarters at the American Hotel in Freehold. At 10:38 the County Results are as follows:
Burry 43, 940, Rich 44, 472, Luttrell 39,716, Grillo 37,773.
Unofficially, Republican municipal and county candidates in Holmdel are winning by 30%
In Upper Freehold, Burry and Rich are winning by better than 2-1.
In Belmar, Burry and Rich defeated Luttrell and Grillo by a narrow margin.
Burry and Rich win Brielle by 2-1.
In Middletown, Republican are winning handily, but Burry and Rich are under-performing the local canidates, Tony Fiore and Stephanie Murray.
In Red Bank, Republican Linda Schwabenbauer is up by 2 votes. Sean DiSomma is down by 80. This one may come down to VBM and provisionals.Château de princesse rose
With 3 of 27 districts reporting in Manalapan, Burry and Rich are up by 10%
In Hazlet, Republican Sue Kiley looks to be winning easily over former Mayor Kevin Lavaan. Burry and Rich narrowly defeated Luttrell and Grillo.
Burry and Rich are defeating Luttrell and Grillo in Colts Neck, 2-1.
Manasquan…Republicans Burry and Rich defeated Democrats Luttrell and Grillo, 10-7. The local Democrats won. Republicans Susan Cohen and Jack McNaboe are reelected.
Local and County Republicans sweep Union Beach.
In Keyport, Republican Mayor wins. Republicans win 2 council seats. One Democrat councilman is re-elected. Luttrell and Grillo win.
In Neptune Township, Democrats Luttell and Grillo win by 2300 votes.
Democrats win Freehold Borough easily.
In Spring Lake Heights, Burry and Grillo win 8-6.
Local and County Republicans are winning Howell, 60-40
Burry and Rich win Millstone by 2-1.
Burry and Rich win Fair Haven, 5-3.
Ocean Township splits. Rich and Luttrell win. Luttrell beats Burry by 5 votes.
Eatontown splits. Rich and Luttrell win. Republican Dennis Connelly is narrowly leading Mayor Gerald Tarantolo.
Luttrell and Grillo narrowly win Tinton Falls.
With half the votes counted in Marlboro, Burry and Rich are winning 2600-2000.
In Atlantic Highlands, Republicans Jack Archibald and Peter Doyle were reelected to council. Luttrell and Grillo won the borough by 50 votes.
What? No congrats for newly elected Sen. Cory Booker?
Let me be the first. Congratulations, Senator Booker.
The NJ Senate race was a snoozer and not where the real action is tonight
Loving the live updates Art!
I was just looking at the county online results and it’s definitely a horse race at this point but I’m going on record and calling it for Lillian Burry and Gary Rich.
I say that because midterm election voters are usually hardcore politicos who aren’t/weren’t going to be distracted by the fact that a couple of clowns were throwing deliberate obfuscations their way and trying to get away with calling THAT a campaign platform.
If Burry & Luttrell go on to win as I suspect they will, Vin Gopal’s got trouble.
He’s used up his “lifelines” of money from other counties. He’s thrown this kind of dirty nasty campaign for what, three years now? This year, he even through the kitchen sink with the BS newspaper, the lying letter to Shark River Hills, the lying robo call and they lying signs.
Oh,BTW; Joey & Larry; the Hills voted OVERWHELMINGLY for Burry and Rich, in a near landslide amount.
Your lying letter and Republicans For signs, FAILED miserably in the Hills.
You seemed to have “fooled some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time.”
Running on the same old false charges without ever having a positive idea. The problem that the Monmouth County Democrats have is that Republicans are already giving good government to the voters.
That they are coming close is a result of the negative campaign tactics and nasty BS including the kind from Erin Kaiser of Middletown’s robo call today.
I can not tell you how many people called in today disgusted with that kind of campaign tactic. Too bad we can’t strip her of her supposed Republican credentials.
Anyway, poor ole Vinny is not going to get too much help anymore so I hope his credit card has a high enough limit to fund these campaigns.
Gopal said something about turning Monmouth County into Essex.
I lived in Essex for a short time. Couldn’t get out of that hell hole fast enough. Living there was one of the biggest mistakes of my young life. No way is that place something to aspire toward. I love Monmouth, but if Gopal ever gets his way, -well, let’s just say I don’t even want to think about what might happen to beautiful Monmouth County.
Go Lillian! Go Gary! Rah, rah!
Oh yeah, and one of the creepiest things about living in Essex was that most people living around me didn’t even realize how crappy it really was there. They were so used to it, that they didn’t even realize life could be better. (Shivers just thinking about it.). Spooky stuff. Very sad too.
Thank God for Monmouth County.
Hmmm. Bullet Voting anyone?
Gary & Lillian within 400 hundred of each other, pretty much defeating the idea that loads of Republicans were unhappy with her
And Grillo is 1900 under Lunging Larry per the latest numbers at the top.
To me, it seems that more Democrats were unhappy with the Scofflaw In Chief than Republicans were unhappy with Lillian.
Art…thanks for all of the updates….Is it me or have there been several other years recently when the MC vote counting/reporting falls flat on its face and they claim they were using “new equipment”?
Art…any idea when absentees and provisionals are counted for close races?…Mayors race in Eatontown very close (8 votes)
“Stop Chris Smith’s War on Women!” There’s a winning message for you.
You are correct. Two things failed last night for the Democrats, and two faux wars are over:
1) Pundits talked about this last night, that the “War On Women” meme failed. Note, Joni Ernst & Mia Love won their races.
2) Dirty Harry Reid’s war on the Koch Brothers failed as well. This was talked about by pundits last week, as a failure.
What did fail also is Tom Steyer’s attempt to purchase races, blowing $73 MILLION on various races this year alone compared to a paltry $4 million by the Koch Brothers.
Voters see through the hypocrisy of things like this and are tired of it.
Scolavino was so devoid of any campaign platform that this is all he could run.