Christie confirms cooperation on Bridgegate review by his chosen attorney
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie’s office today confirmed a published report that an internal investigation by an attorney hired by New Jersey is the result of a “comprehensive and exhaustive” review and will give “a full airing of what happened…
So this is the result of a million dollar plus investigation? An investigation of Christie, by Christie’s own lawyer—unbelievable!
How can it be exhaustive when the key players have not even been interviewed?
This should be insulting to taxpayers. I can’t wait to see this mess.
Wait a second, TWO investigations going on; one by the Governor and one by the Democrats. Most notable is the “unfettered access.”
And the Democrats still complain and issue press releases saying “New Jersey residents deserve answers from Christie about his role in Bridgegate, and until the truth comes out, this story isn’t going away – ”
What do these looney Democrats want next, anal and mind probes? All the Democrats want is political hay. Why don’t they just shut up and wait for the investigations to conclude?
Oh, that’s right. Shutting up doesn’t fit their political agenda.
Just like OJ said he will start an investigation to find out the real killer of his wife.
The key players were invited to the investigation. THEY declined, no doubt because of their own lawyers advice.
What part of that puts blame on Christie’s own investigation for not having those key player’s interviewed?
I don’t think this kind of investigation has subpoena power, so I guess you will have to rely on the Democrat’s investigation.
I am quite sure they are doing their own
Roto Rooter job.
Of course they declined. The want immunity from prosecution and they know the CC investigation is biased. Afterall, it’s his friend (Mastro) doing the investigation. Did you really think for a moment that CC was going to be held accountable? I also have a “bridge” to sell you.
Actually there are three investigations. One of the Governor’s office conducted by the Governor’s lawyer, one of the Governor’s office conducted by a legislative committee, and one of the Governor’s office conducted by the US Attorney.
Nothing unusual about this. Recall the Whitewater investigation by Congressional Republicans at the same time Special Prosecutor Ken Starr spent $60 million of taxpayer money investigating how many blow jobs Bill Clinton got from Monica Lewinsky.
I guess the perjury doesn’t to you.
@ @Unreal
If there is something there, I am sure that Democrat led investigation will find something. And, if they don’t; will they apologize for the HUGE waste of taxpayer money?
I don’t think so…