
Watson Coleman steps down from bridgegate investigation committee after calling for Gov. Chris Christie to resign

Watson Coleman steps down from bridgegate investigation committee after calling for Gov. Chris Christie to resign (via NJ.com)

Democratic Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman today withdrew from the panel investigating the lane diversions at the George Washington Bridge, a day after she called on the governor to resign from his office. Her comments, made during an appearance…

Posted: March 1st, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Bridgegate | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Watson Coleman steps down from bridgegate investigation committee after calling for Gov. Chris Christie to resign”

  1. dentss said at 12:10 pm on March 1st, 2014:

    Could her deep seated dislike for Christie stem from the fact that he is a former AG , someone like him could possibly be responsibly for her sons going to prison? ……just another thought