Press Release
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden continues to make the safety of children throughout Monmouth County a priority. The agency’s bilingual Dangers of Strangers program is being presented to elementary school students throughout Monmouth County in an effort to promote the safety of children and keep them out of harm’s way. On Oct. 11, the program which makes students aware of the Dangers of Strangers in their communities and elsewhere, was presented to approximately 150 elementary school students at the Midtown Community Elementary School in Neptune.
“The safety and security of our children remains a principle concern for my agency,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “That’s why it is vital that children are made aware, and often reminded, about the dangers of strangers. Strangers have a way of luring children into harmful, or possibly fatal, situations through bribes and false claims such as a family emergency, a fake injury or a lost pet.”
The 45 minute program, which was presented in English and Spanish to students from kindergarten through second grade, teaches them what to do if a stranger tries to engage them in conversation, whether on the street, on the telephone, when home alone or on the internet.
In addition, students learn how to report suspicious activities to local law enforcement by using 9-1-1.
According to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 797,500 children under the age of 18 were reported missing in a one year period of time, which resulted in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
“As with all districts, the safety of students is a priority throughout the Neptune Township Schools. Having this program is of great value to all of our elementary school students and their parents, particularly those from our ESL program (English as a second language), who could be perceived as more vulnerable, because of a language barrier,” said David Mooij, Superintendent of Neptune Schools.
The program makes students aware of important information about the Dangers of Strangers including:
•What is a stranger and how to deal with strangers
•What to do if home alone and a stranger telephones or comes to the door
•Tricks strangers employ to lure children into dangerous situations and how to recognize those tricks
•What to do if grabbed by a stranger
•Safe places to go
•Safety tips for inside and outside the home
•The importance of never giving personal information about yourself and family to anyone over the phone or Internet.
Along with the Dangers of Strangers, other bilingual programs being offered through the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office are Identity Theft, Youth Identification and Ident Adult.
with old-fashioned, huge numbers, on Nov. 5th!
And then what? I mean, he’ll “win” what? And what exactly is this “win” going to do to change the world so that freedom endures, “for the children”?
I propose instead that Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden run a class called “Consequences of Disobeying the US Constitution” and he can invite folks like Cory Booker, Shelia Oliver, Frank Pallone and Michael Bloomberg to attend. Those “politicians” pose a far greater risk to more children’s future safety and security than any stranger.
This Sheriff has done nothing.The office is plagued with poor management and fiscal irresponsibity.Time for new leadership Ruben Scolavino for Sheriff.
Ruben can’t even lead the local softball team, beat it rookie.
On top off all of the federal police: CIA, DIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, ICE, INS, EPA, DOE, DOJ, DOT, DHS, US Marshals, Border Patrol and on and on plus whole military … then we have at least local, county and state police to go along with the port authority mall cops, the beach patrols/special police/parking ticket writers, schools employing their own guards. It all seems a little redundant, for a peaceful Western society, no?
But of course not one of those police leaches would ever step aside and get out of the way of a better, cheaper method of law enforcement.
And that port authority mall cop with the bad mustache that was on a NYC mayor’s race TV ad reminding everyone that “he’s no mall cop” — because he’s better than other people — and other people should know that! F-him and the rest of the port authority police, don’t need any of them, redundant wastes of taxpayer money.
even lived in MonmouthCounty? Shaun is doing an excellent job, very much hands- on: he did an amazing job of coordinating Sandy relief efforts, sheltering the displaced, getting needed supplies to victims, 24/7, assisting all affected municipalities..teaches government to college youth evenings, earned all the right credentials- repeat, he us going to kick butt in a big way, and continue taking law enforcement in our county forward, over the next 3 years. Get used to it.
It is a Shame all you Republicans can’t talk without calling names.
We have a sheriff that has placed people in non-existent, fictitious positions, to game the pension system. We have a “manager” that has public employees making more than the governor–and has the audacity to proclaim no one has died as a result of Hurricane Sandy under his “watch.” Give me a break already!!
Sounds like a great program (especially presenting it in Spanish.)
sure isn’t pretty..,
-when some of these folks move down here, bringing their liberal tax and spend policies and voting habits with them- learn nothing about the county, do no community service, or, anything positive, offer nothing but personal attacks and sarcastic criticism of successful management of our resources, then put themselves on a ballot, and tell us they deserve to run us.. I don’t think so…
No one is better at calling people names than agendized liberals and Democrats! Anyone who disagrees with them, or is successful, or has a following, is immediately,personally trashed and dismissed..So,get real- Stop it… More and more people are on to your ilk, are getting tired of it, and are ready to turn many away..and not a moment too soon, to try and begin repairing decades of damage and dependence on the ever- encroaching theft of freedom and treasure by the all powerful, centralized government!