Booker Administration Denies Stonewalling For Cory, Another OPRA Request Apparently Ignored

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A spokesman for the Booker administration in Newark is denying reports that the city is stonewalling the response to OPRA requests, according to a report on PolitickerNJ.
The City of Newark has been sued by The National Review and the Lonegan for Senate campaign for failing to comply with Open Public Records Act requests. NR is seeking police reports from a shooting incident during which the victim died in Booker’s arms, according to numerous stories the mayor has told over time. The Lonegan campaign is seeking Booker’s expense and reimbursement reports from the city during his tenure as mayor.
According to PolitickerNJ, City spokesperson James Allen disputed NR’s claim, saying that the city promised to provide the police reports by September 13.
John Ginty, the Lonegan campaign’s attorney, told MMM that since filing his suit, the city has promised to comply and provide the requested documents, also on September 13.
However, NR and Lonegan are apparently not the only information seekers being thwarted.
Phil Kerpen, of the American Commitment Action Fund filed an OPRA request on August 28 seeking all emails between the City of Newark and the Booker for Senate campaign. Kerpen requested all emails between the city’s email server and the domain as well as emails between the city and specific individuals associated with the Booker campaign, regardless of the domains used by those individuals. A copy of Kerpen’s OPRA request can be found here.
Kerpen said he has received no reply whatsoever from the City of Newark.
The American Commitment Action Fund is an independent-expenditure only committee committed to defeating big government liberals and electing free-market conservatives in races for federal office. Attempting to defeat Booker through #BookerFail is ACA’s first project. Prior to forming ACA, Kerpen was a vice president of Americans For Prospertity. Steve Lonegan held various leadership roles with AFP’s New Jersey chapter. Lonegan resigned from AFP in order to run for Senate.
Cheryl Coxson of the Newark City Clerk’s office told MMM that she “vaguely remembered” Kerpen’s OPRA request and thought it had been responded to. Coxson promised to check on the status of Kerpen’s request and get back to us. This story will be updated when she does.
After all, Obama hides his college transcripts. I guess “celebrity candidates” are allowed to do that.
Silence Dogood, Redux
is quite clear, that any entity must respond within 7 days, as to when the requestor can expect the requested docs, and whether they can provide it in the format requested.. The Gov’t Records Council can levy fines for non- compliance.. They can also get into trouble if each main dept. doesn’t designate a records custodian, have a proper form, or at least have their lawyer respond, if the request is felt to be too broad to fulfill it.. I hope they blast the city,if in fact they are stonewalling: the days of private government clubs and non- transparent arrogance are supposed to be over in NJ, even for the ordained, media “darlings”like Cory, among us!
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