Our Tiananmen Square
By: Ernesto Cullari
The Communist Party in China used tanks and violent force upon its own people to eliminate political dissent. Barack Obama and the IRS in a highly organized manner used the full might of the Federal Government in collusion with a harassment campaign waged by Left-wing organizations to accomplish the same chilling ends here in America.
Are we Americans worthy of the freedoms that we enjoy? If so, then explain why you aren’t angry at the blatant and well documented lawlessness of the Obama administration and with the IRS that he so maliciously used to intimidate his opponents, dating as far back as 2008?
There are many of you reading this column that are elected officials. You swore an oath to protect the Constitution. Whether you are a local official, a state official or representing us in Congress, you should be storming Capitol Hill or the State House in Trenton, demanding to know how such gross abuses of power, never seen before in America, will be punished. Students of history will quickly recognize that such tactics have been used in China, as well as in Nazi Germany to successfully crush political opposition.
The IRS should be investigated until there is no doubt as to exactly what happended and safeguards but in place so it (specific focus on just left or right political groups rather than all of them) does not happen again.
If further investigation proves otherwise, people should be prosecuted however based on the available evidence, it is not accurate to state/imply that there was Obama Administration involvement in ordering the IRS to target Tea Party or any other conservative groups. If anyone has information to back up that claim, they should send it to Congressman Issa who has admintted that he has not found a link that would show Administration involvement in targeting conservative/TP groups. (On the contrary, he is so far refusing to release transcripts of interviews that very well may indicate the opposite of what he is trying to prove.)
Even with todays news that an IRS supervisior named Holly Paz saw some of the applications, per Fox News: “Details of Paz’s role were first reported by The Associated Press. Still, Paz provided no evidence that senior IRS officials ordered agents to target conservative groups or that anyone in the Obama administration outside the IRS was involved.”
If further evidence is uncovered that proves there was involvement from within the Administraiton, anyone involved should be fired and possibly prosecuted. As of today though, that evidence does not exist.
“If so, then explain why you aren’t angry at the blatant and well documented lawlessness of the Obama administration and with the IRS that he so maliciously used to intimidate his opponents, dating as far back as 2008?”
Obama wasn’t President until January 20th, 2009.
I encourage everyone to go ahead and complain to the government agencies that wrong them.
Have a problem with the IRS, go ahead and complain — sure you will be audited for the next 5 years in a row, but if you’re on the up and up, it’ll just cost you some of your time and aggravation, but you’ll have told them and they’ll have listened and know your name!
But why stop there? I say call you local tax assessor’s office and tell them you won’t be paying your NJ property tax bill this quarter either, you’ll pay 1/3 of it because that’s fair and reason, they can go screw for the rest of the money. Don’t be mad at me for advising you to take this route when the sheriff’s officers you pay for come drag you out of your own home, and they will because they need to be paid too.
Speaking of taxes, next time you’re out shopping, just tell the cashier that you won’t be paying the 7% sales taxes because you’re a free man — that no-health-insurance-having-minimum-wage-worker-with-no-career-prospects will surely risk their terrible menial job to let you walk on out without paying the sales taxes because they know the righteous fight you’ve undertaken is a worthy cause.
Why stop there? Improving your own home this summer with a pool and waiting weeks for the extortion train that is the building department to come inspect and leave you alone? Just uncover that nice new pool and hop on it, IT’S YOUR POOL! Of course the building inspector will certainly find time later the same day to come write you a fine and drag you into municipal court to pay it, and a court fee, but you’ll get to enjoy the pool on all of the other days!
Don’t leave Fido out! See that nice lake over there, the one where wild creature go for a drink and a swim, go ahead and let your pooch go for a swim, YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO are free people so hop in and enjoy a swim! Granted those park rangers with their little ATVs and plastic badges will be there in a minutes to yell at you and threaten to call the police but you’ll actually have some fun for once in your life, and your dog will love you even more for it!
While you’re at it, get your self a hunting permit, and take your dog on a hunt. Sure you need a permit for that too, and a firearms ID card, which you can conveniently apply for at the police station, and get finger printed and ID like the criminal that you know you are. Wait 30 days as a the law says, or 8-12 months as is common practice in NJ, and once you get your ID card you’ll be well on your way to realizing that you can go hunting anytime, between midnight and 12:00am on days ending with the letter Z.
Land of the free! Have fun my friends, now go out and enjoy this nice day… no charge for that unless you’re trying to park on a public street, near a public beach, at a public state park…..
Stop with the hyperbole, Tianeman sqaure tanks physically killed protesters. As abhoraent and illegal the IRS practice was it was for a tax recordation not life and death. I know IRS workers in NY, and they did not need any prodding by Obama or any high officials to hate the Tea Party in particular and some in the GOP in general based on the demogogic language used by some against the Federal worker.
I want to know who in the George W. Bush administration vetted Douglas Schulman as IRS Commissioner?
The 2008 reference refers to the following:
August 21, 2008: The conservative, 501(c)(4) American Issues Project runs an ad focused on the ties between Senator Barack Obama, the Democrat presidential nominee, and ex-Weather Underground radical leader and bomber Bill Ayers. Obama’s political career began with a meeting in Ayers living room and the two served together on the board of Chicago’s Woods Foundation. Bob Bauer, the general counsel of the Obama campaign contacts the criminal division of the Justice Department, demanding prosecution of the ad sponsors.
September 8, 2008: Obama counsel Bauer writes a second letter, demanding the criminal prosecution of Harold Simmons, a Texas businessman who financed the AIP ad. Bauer demands “certain tax documents” be turned over to the Obama campaign — a right he has under IRS law. But Bauer also sends a letter to AIP demanding confidential information to which the Obama campaign had no legal right.
There is more like this as well.
Via: The VanderSlooting of America – The American Spectator
Tiananmen, abhorrent, and demagogic sorry for the mistyping
Sure, I guess spying, extortion, imprisonment or constant threat of, unreasonable search and seizures, etc are all better than being killed; which makes the Obama administration better than other communists before them and we should celebrate this, right?
The IRS scandal has nothing to do with NSA. Or maybe you are linking IRS with the DOJ searches? You are mixing apples and oranges. Where was IRS spying? They were reviewing, maybe asking inappropriate questions, and delaying applications. Again your hyperbole is showing.
Get to one scandal and address it by comingling them you lose all seriousness and become a joke to the public at large.
Sure, and what you learned in liberal grammar school is the whole picture too. You remember what the public school teacher told you, right? Some silly men dressed as Native Americans went and tossed some tea into the Boston harbor and then started a big ol’ war that cost tens of thousands of lives and they did so ONLY because of the single issue known as the Stamp Act? The teacher explained that their actions had nothing to do with any other, seemingly disconnected, “Intolerable Acts” and the larger scope of government malfeasance and the whole war was over some spilled tea.
Just as it is today, there are numerous and wide ranging examples of a government that is incapable of fairy representing all of the people and numerous and wide ranging scandals forced upon the people. There is no mix of apples and oranges on the scandals and issues, strictly rotten tomatoes with an abbreviation from every government agency from the top on down.
The Boston tea Party was a good 2 years before the revolution, The real patriots were at Lexington and Concord not some characters dressed as Indians. The real patriots did not hide their identity.
Would you say Benjamin Franklin was a real patriot?
When the revolution started he was no annonymous
Because he was in fear of being persecuted by the British government.
Just like conservative’s are in fear of being persecuted by the Obama administration. Tyranny is tyranny no matter how extreme or small it is.