Christie Reverses the Gender Gap
Women Approve of Christie More Than Men Do
Public Workers Give Governor High Marks

Guv Christie accepting Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long’s endorsement. Photo by Serena DiMaso. Taken with Tom Arone’s phone
Governor Chris Christie still looks to be cruising to reelection, according to a Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll released this morning.
Christie’s overall approval rating is 63%, according to Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. The governor’s ratings are slightly stronger among registered voters, 65% of whom approve of his job performance. 86% of Republicans, 64% of Independents and 52% of give Christie high marks.
On the stump, Christie has been promoting how he has reduced the size of government in New Jersey since taking office. “There’s over 5000 fewer employees in state government today than when I took office, and over 20,000 fewer government employees across the state,” Christie says in a campaign video, “We promised to make government smaller, we’ve made government smaller.” Despite these facts, 54% of public workers approve of Christie’s job performance compared to 37% who do not.
Since Superstorm Sandy, there has been virtually no “gender gap” in Christie’s approval ratings as measured by the Monmouth Poll. In a poll released on September 27, 2012, one month before Sandy, men approved of Christie’s performance by a 61%-31% margin. Women approved by only 6 points, 47%-41%. In Murray’s first post Sandy poll on Christie, in December, the gender gap closed. 68% of men and 66% of women approved in December. The trend continued in the February poll with 69% of men and 70% of women approving of the governor. In today’s poll, the gender gap exceeded the statistical margin of error for the first time since Sandy, with the surprising result that women approve of Christie more than men do. Women approve by a 65%-26% margin and men approve by 61%-27%.
If Murray polled a head to head match up between Christie and the presumptive Democratic nominee for governor, State Senator Barbara Buono, he did not report the results today. He did report that 59% of registered voters think that Christie deserves a second term.
[…] By Art Gallagher | […]
The majority of people are not paying attention .There are women,minorities and union members when they know Buono better will shift from Christie to her.
Hey ‘bill’ fancy seeing you here!
Funny how you think that women are against Christie completely and that Republicans don’t care about women….because it is just another one of your false “same something to say something” random comments on NJ websites.
You STILL have NOT pointed out one single thing Buono will do or anything she has done to actually help NJ residents, particularly woman.
* “say something to say something”
So how many conservatives did they poll? Probably none I imagine. When conservatives compare their property tax bills this year with what they paid four years ago, and when they compare Chris Christie’s 2014 budget with the 2010 state budget when he took office, they’ll come out in droves on primary day to elect Seth Grossman the next Governor of New Jersey!
Christie is Pro-Life and support a Constitution ban on Abortion.He has Slashed Planned Parenthood Funding,and Spending cuts led to closure of six Womens Health Clinics,He Vetoe Equal Pay.Christie does not care about womens rights and has a horrible record on womens issues.
Would request Kyrillos disinvite the convicted sexual and physical abuser of woman at the April 30 fund raiser at the Diperro residence. This sends a bad message to woman, in light of the fact that April is “Sexual Abuse Awareness Month.” This function could not happen at a worse time.
Shame on Kyrillos for not doing something about this since he and his wife are co-chairs of this function.
I guess the attendance of this individual is more important in terms of fundraising, then the message it sends to woman–who already believe there is a war against them waged by Republicans.
This is why we need Seth Grossman to lead the GOP ticket in November. Seth Grossman does not associate with unsavory characters, and doesn’t need them to raise money. Seth Grossman attracts women and they will vote for him because they know he is honest and supports family values.
In the grand scheme of things…who the hell is Seth Grossman?
Bayshore Butch you are crazy – I have seen Seth Grossman and the last thing he attracts is women!
How do they know he is honest – NO ONE HAS EVER MET HIM!
Also, a majority of Republican Woman and those who say they are Conservative are pro-choice.
They may talk a good game about being Pro-life but at the end of the day they want to make their own choice about their bodies.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Seth is done.