Hey Tinton Falls….See a pothole? Report a pothole

Marquettes Roach (left) and Richard Kosch (right) of the Public Works Department repair a large pothole on Hope Road at the corner of Sycamore Avenue. In the background is one of the “See a Pothole?” signs.
Tinton Falls Mayor Michael Skudera announced that the borough is having its annual See a Pothole campaign for the next two weeks.
“Last year the program worked very well, so I decided to do it again” said Skudera “Road repairs and infrastructure improvements have been a top priority for my administration and the Borough Council”.
Large signs have been posted throughout the borough which read: “Tinton Falls Residents… See a Pothole in Town?”
These signs direct residents to visit the borough’s website at www.TintonFalls.com where a Service Request Form makes reporting a pothole quick and easy. The form alerts the Public Works Department in real-time of the locations of any potholes that are reported. Residents will automatically receive a tracking number after submitting the form.
Additionally residents may report potholes by calling 732-542-3400 ext. 4.