
More financial troubles at New Jersey’s newspapers

The Asbury Park Press’s building is for saleThe Press of Atlantic City is for sale.

This morning, The Star Ledger announced that they are laying off 34 people, including 10% of the newsroom.

In a poll published on January 8, Monmouth University’s Patrick Murray said that since 2005 newspapers as the primary source of news has decline from 48% to 27% among New Jerseyans.  The shift has favored the interent where 28% now get their news, up from 6% in 2005.  Television as a news source has also declined since 05, according to Murray.  48% got most of their news from TV in 05.  Now 34%, still the highest percentage, are informed by television.

There is not much good news for the industry looking forward, according to Murray’s report. 45% of 18-34 year olds now look to the net as their primary news source, up from 33% in 2009.

Posted: January 16th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Media, News, NJ Media | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “More financial troubles at New Jersey’s newspapers”

  1. Gene B. said at 11:53 am on January 16th, 2013:

    A manual write-up by a public accountant that would take twelve hours in 1975 can now be completed in about thirty minutes with a computer.

    Should we eliminate the computer so that we can have more work for accountants? Maybe there should be an Obama style bailout?

    Times are changing and businesses must evolve. Unfortunately for newspapers, most have not been able to figure out how to shift their profit centers to the web.

  2. Long live said at 2:34 pm on January 16th, 2013:

    Drudge, Weekly Standard, CNS news, and all other conservative news outlets. As long as Nobama doesn’t start with the thought police and controlling the internet, there is a slim hope the truth can get out!