
How does Menendez not know that his intern is a sex offender and an illegal immigrant?

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez says he did not know that his 18 year old intern, Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, was an illegal immigrant and a registered sex offender.

How does the senator’s staff check to see if their interns are in the United States legally?  They ask them.

The senator’s office said a background check didn’t show Zavaleta’s registration as a sex offender because he was a juvenille in 2010 when he was arrested in Hudson County.  Zavaelta’s name does not appear on the NJ State Police registry of sex offenders.  So where is he registered?

The Homeland Security Department has strongly denied media reports that they instructed ICE not to arrest Zavaleta until after the November 6 election.  The Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office tipped ICE off about Zavaleta in October.

How does Homeland Security or a prosecutor not tell a U. S. Senator that an illegal immigrant and sex offender are working in his office.  Maybe there’s an ongoing investigation.  One can hope.

How does a teenager from Peru get to be an intern for a U. S. Senator?  Does he show up at the office in a suit and say “Me gustaría trabajar gratis como su interno”?

Or is the kid related to a campaign donor or maybe an executive of a bank that Menendez invests in or oversees as a member of the Senate Banking Committee?


Posted: December 13th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Bob Menendez | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “How does Menendez not know that his intern is a sex offender and an illegal immigrant?”

  1. Just another example said at 7:23 pm on December 13th, 2012:

    Of the disgusting and disingenuous hypocrisy of the hard left: ask yourself: had this guy been a volunteer for Kyrillos or Romney, we’d still be hearing the carrying on about how awful they were for not paying attention and getting the guy deported fast. We have to understand these people have NO scruples or moral brakes when it comes to winning all of their elections . We are so over,it’s not even funny!