
Menendez spokesperson denies boss stiffed Dominican hookers, calls story the product of a “right wing smear machine”

Kyrillos spends the day focus on supporting victims of Hurricane Sandy

US Senator Bob Menendez’s campaign manager told PolitickerNJ that his boss didn’t pay for sex while on a trip to the Dominican Republic last spring and that the story first reported by The Daily Caller is a product of the “right wing smear machine.”

The Menendez camp is blaming the Kyrillos camp for planting the story:

“It is disgusting that on a day when New Jerseyans are focused on responding to  one of the worst disasters to ever hit the state, Joe Kyrillos and the right  wing smear machine are peddling lies about Bob Menendez,” Soliman said.   “Let’s be clear: the accusations Kyrillos and his friends in the right wing  media are peddling are absolutely false.  This unsubstantiated, untrue  attack is a new low, and we hope that Kyrillos will pull his campaign out of the  gutter and join us and other leaders in helping get this state back on its feet.  Bob Menendez is going to continue to focus on helping New Jersey recover from  the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy and will not be distracted by  desperate smears from a flailing campaign in the final days before an election.”

Democrats are furious with Kyrillos for responding to The Daily Caller’s article by asking Menendez to release his schedule and travel documents, and for even trying to win the election in the face of Hurricane Sandy’s devastation.

“Kyrillos’s career is over,” a angry Democratic operative said on the condition of anonymity, “Obama and Christie did the right thing, and he’s (Kyrillos) talking about prostitutes.  While his legislative district is in shambles from the storm, he’s off campaigning in Bergen and Ocean Counties.  Even my Republican friends are disgusted with him.”

Kyrillos visted with residents and local officials in Middlesex, Bergen and Passaic counties today.  He stopped at the Peterpank Diner in Sayreville, the Police Athletic Leaue in Wayne where hot meals were served to those without power, and the Christian Health Care Center in Wyckoff.

“This infamous storm has caused more destruction and devastation among our residents than anything I’ve witnessed or care to see again,” Kyrillos said.“This process of physical and emotional mending will certainly be arduous. But as my meetings continue, I’m starting to notice a sense of ‘Jersey strong’ resilience coming out of residents and community leaders, saying we will get through this. We will rebuild and be stronger from it.”


Posted: November 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Hurricane Sandy, Joe Kyrillos, Menendez Sex Scandal | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Menendez spokesperson denies boss stiffed Dominican hookers, calls story the product of a “right wing smear machine””

  1. Steve in Kingston said at 10:11 pm on November 1st, 2012:

    I guess this is another Democrat “stimulus package” at least the hookers got paid something for being screwed by Slow Poke Menendez…all we got was higher taxes!