
Kyrillos Stays Positive With Third TV Ad

GOP U.S. Senate candidate Joe Kyrillos continues to introduce himself to New Jersey voters with the release of his third television ad today.

Here’s the script:

Joe Kyrillos: “I’ve talked to job creators from Burlington to Bergen, they tell me the same thing. Taxes, regulations, unfair competition from China, are killing jobs. My jobs plan will put America back to work. It reduces job killing regulations, streamlines government, and levels the playing field with China. Governor Christie and I are making progress in New Jersey, now it’s time to put America back to work.


Kyrillos’s opponent, incumbent Senator Bob Menendez has gone negative against Kyrillos in recent weeks with his “The Middle Class is Under Attack” theme.  Menendez and his surrogates, former acting Governor Richard Codey and Newark Mayor Cory Booker, have been attempting to link Kyrillos to Mitt Romney’s “47%” comment .

Kyrillos is promoting his partnership with Governor Christie and their methods as the way to “put America back to work.”

What do you think MMM readers?  Can Kyrillos beat Menendez by staying positive?   Does Christie help Kyrillos more than Codey and Booker help Menendez?   Will the ads work?

Posted: October 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Cory Booker, Joe Kyrillos, Richard Codey | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Kyrillos Stays Positive With Third TV Ad”

  1. The Problem Is said at 1:55 pm on October 1st, 2012:

    That Joe Kyrillos doesn’t have enough time and money left to increase his name recognition in a media market dominated by NY & Philly.

    As well, while the basic message of this ad is good, Joe did not take the time to say or show how “putting America back to work,” DIRECTLY helps the Middle Class in order to counter the BS from Menendez and crew.

    Finally, I have always believed that “going negative” should be left to surrogates. The CANDIDATE needs to stay positive and offer solutions.

    The surrogates should be the ones exposing the lies and bad records of the opposing candidate. IMHO

    Unfortunately, at the Presidential level, there is NOTHING positive that The Obummbler can put his hat on, so the only thing he can do is to go negative and lie.

    Much the same with Menendez.

  2. Bob English said at 4:16 pm on October 1st, 2012:

    This is a feel good type of ad that is okay but not when you are down by double digets with just a few weeks before the election. The first sentance of the above post is right in that you need a ton of money for tv ads for a statewide race in NJ and unless you are seen as having a realistic chance to win, those $$$ are likely going elsewhere.

    Nothing against Mr. Kyrillos, but outside of a couple of lawn signs, and the tv spots, I have not seen any sign of his campaign.

  3. no sign of menendez's campaign said at 5:26 pm on October 1st, 2012:

    Lil Bobby Boy…. so I take it then that everywhere you go, people are talking about this guy Menendez and how great of a job he must be doing? And everywhere you go you see Menendez working hard and campaigning and doing everything possible to make sure voters get a chance to meet him and share their thoughts on the poor economic conditions, the lack of jobs and the weak foreign policy that the Obama administration is responsible for then?

    Bob Menendez is a failure and a fraud just like Lautenberg and Obama. Robert Menendez has failed the American people. Robert Menendez has failed the people of the State of New Jersey. Robert Menendez has failed Democrats and Republicans, men and women alike and Bobby Menendez has now failed to even run a campaign because his far left Democrat pals like Bobby Boy English are going to vote for, and support, his continued failures based on nothing more than the letter D beside his name.

  4. Proud Republican said at 6:25 pm on October 1st, 2012:

    Yeah Bob English, I’ve seen way more aggressive campaigning from Joe than that abject failure he’s running against. The one lame commercial from Menendez has him crowing about some BS credit card legislation. That’s what he brags about? The debt is staggering, our citizens are dragged through the streets in Libya, Muslims are looking to curtail OUR free speech, illegal immigration is out of control, we have double digit unemployment and that’s what this boob is bragging about? Joe may or may not win, but he is running a damn better campaign and that kind of hustle may just be the difference.

  5. Bob English said at 8:45 pm on October 1st, 2012:

    Wimpyboy…I’ll try to explain this just as simply as I can……when you are down by 15+ points 35 days before the election, that is not the kind of ad that is going to help you catch up.

    Proud…leaving the D & R crap asside for a second and trying to be objective, Kyrillos needed a lot more than 3 feel good getting to know you type ads. Would have needed major $$$ to go on the attack long before now.

  6. Joe Wedick said at 12:38 pm on October 2nd, 2012:

    Kyrillos should have been shown wearing a bulletproof vest (a la Menendez) and explain its’ necessity due to all the negative incoming comments from Menendez, that wearing it enables him to concentrate his focus on his efforts to help the middle class – all 100% of it, while his opponent plays to his selective audiences. “I’m looking at China and its’ effects on NJ families while my opponent is, at best, just navel gazing.”

  7. Talking About Political Advertising said at 2:48 pm on October 2nd, 2012:

    Just Which Party Is Demeaning To Women?? Ah, That Would Be The Democrap Party & The Obummbler Campaign


    Thankfully This Got Pulled Down, But The REAL Problem Is That Someone In The Campaign Thought It Up And Was Stupid Enough To Put It Up

    But That’s The Fraud The Dumbcrats Are, Claiming That The Republicans Have A War On Women.

    In this classless White House, between desecrating the American flag with Obama’s ego, campaign t-shirts with the F-bomb on them, and the President’s willingness to fundraise in Vegas the same day we learned our Libyan ambassador had been assassinated — this sort of tackiness is becoming the norm, not the exception.

    Is “patronizing” one of the weapons in this manufactured War on Women? “

  8. " Whoops, Plugs Biden Did It Again" said at 2:50 pm on October 2nd, 2012:


    Ah Joe, Who’s Been In Charge For Most Of The Last Four Years? Your Boss, The Obummbler