I’ve read the Republican platform on abortion. It seems that you guys are not content to just have “dishonorable discharges” but also insist on making sure the woman is hit by the shrapnel.
Speechless... said at 10:21 pm on September 5th, 2012:
Jason Biggs is the scum of the earth.
What is happening to our society? When did it become socially acceptable to mock-rape two women on Twitter, under the guise of party pride?
Jason biggs is not on the ticket, Todd Akin, Chris Smith, Romney and Ryan are, and all are on board to add an amendment to the Constitution granting a fertilized egg personhood. The Republican party never got behind an equal rights amendment for women, but they sure are happy to do so for a fertilized egg.
Men, our job is to take that hill. Do I have any volunteers.
Yes Sir sign me up!
Should not need much effort at all. Besides, under this “mission” it will frost the libs who will accuse us of hating women.
I like killing two birds with one stone.
Whoops, is that last statement going to incite someone to cause violence. Ya never know in this PC world.
I’ve read the Republican platform on abortion. It seems that you guys are not content to just have “dishonorable discharges” but also insist on making sure the woman is hit by the shrapnel.
Obama 2012!
Boys, the Republican war on women is actually being directed at the other side. Or did your toy soldiers get an anatomy lesson from Todd Akin?
Actor Jason Biggs, a member of the party that claims to be the salvation of all women, had this bit of vile excrement to share;
(Please be aware that the following contains graphic language and deeply disturbing imagery.)
Jason Biggs is the scum of the earth.
What is happening to our society? When did it become socially acceptable to mock-rape two women on Twitter, under the guise of party pride?
I think I may be sick.
Jason biggs is not on the ticket, Todd Akin, Chris Smith, Romney and Ryan are, and all are on board to add an amendment to the Constitution granting a fertilized egg personhood. The Republican party never got behind an equal rights amendment for women, but they sure are happy to do so for a fertilized egg.
Please stop trolling. All this hate is pointless.
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