
America Meets Mitt Romney Tonight

You don’t know who Mitt Romney is.  Tonight you can find out.   If you have not been watching the Republican National Convention, you want to tonight.

The RNC has been sending the prepared remarks of all the speakers to MMM.  They are embargoed until delivery so I can’t publish them yet, but I can tell you that tonight’s speakers are special.  They’ve seen a side a Mitt Romney you want to know.

The rap on Romney is that he is stiff.  A heartless executive. That he is awkward and reserved in revealing himself. That he doesn’t connect with people.

I’m a political junkie.  I don’t recall any politician revealing themselves the way Mitt Romney will be revealed tonight, through the voices of people he’s connected with.

You will hear from people that Romney was a ministier to while pastor of his church.  You’ll hear from his assistant pastor.  You’ll hear from his career “wing-man.”  You’ll hear from the founder of Staples.  You’ll hear from an employee of a company that Mitt Romney turned around.  You’ll hear from the woman who recruited Romney to run for governor of Massachusetts.  You’ll meet the liberal Democrat who was his Secretary of Workforce Development.

Watch tonight.

Posted: August 30th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Mitt Romney, Republcan National Convention 2012 | Tags: , | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “America Meets Mitt Romney Tonight”

  1. Paint Your Wagon -The Sequel said at 10:11 pm on August 30th, 2012:

    Hmmm, a small omission from Mitt’s family history in his movie tonight. He states his grandparents came to the US as refugees during the Mexican revolution, but conveniently omits that they were American citizens who abandoned the US to pursue their polygamous lifestyle. He also conveniently omits that his grandparents were given “government handouts” to get back on their feet.

    Maybe the elderly Dirty Harry can explain this to us? Or does “shut up and sing ” only apply to Streisand?

  2. Bob Englsih said at 10:16 pm on August 30th, 2012:

    WTF…Clint is criticizing the war in Afghanistan!!!

  3. Bob English said at 10:18 pm on August 30th, 2012:

    I like Clint but that was bizzare. I actually either thought the “get off the stage” music was going to start playing or a hook was going to come out from behind the curtain.

  4. Too long at the Party said at 10:42 pm on August 30th, 2012:

    Clint is suffering from Helen Thomas syndrome.

  5. Marxy Mittens said at 11:18 pm on August 30th, 2012:

    Did we just hear Mitt say America is where “the many become one”? Is Mitt just an old socialist?

  6. The Orkin Man said at 12:18 am on August 31st, 2012:

    Time to fumigate the blog, Art. It’s infested with trolls.

    Hmmm,… unless maybe you WANT people to see how ugly and ridiculous these fanatics are….

  7. I'm With The Orkin Man said at 6:21 am on August 31st, 2012:

    Besides the trolls, people like Bobbie Boy, Salad Boy Ambrosia & Joey Mummbles Killeen make our case every time the open up.

  8. Barry said at 1:21 pm on August 31st, 2012:

    Did we just hear Mitt say America is where “the many become one”? Is Mitt just an old socialist?

    e Plurbus Unim

  9. "One nation, under God, said at 8:35 pm on August 31st, 2012:

    indivisible..”etc.. NOT the current regime’s Marxist-socialist gulag and dictator “equal!..for heaven’s sake!.. see how accustomed to being average, in just 4 yrs., has dimmed/downgraded another founding principle?..