
Team Obama Asks New Jerseyans for Dirt On Christie

By Charles Measley, cross posted from SaveJersey

I enjoy signing up to Democrat e-mail newsletters, Save Jerseyans; it gives you perspective as to what their upcoming attacks and extremist proposals will look like.

Yesterday morning, Barack Obama’s New Jersey campaign sent out an e-mail saying that Gov. Chris Christie is on Romney’s short list for VP (I hope he is!) and that our Governor’s name has recently come back up as a possible pick. The e-mail goes on to say that New Jerseyans have to get “the truth” out about our Governor.

Team Obama has even created a website to collect stories from Jerseyans about Gov. Chris Christie and are encouraging their supporters to share their stories, “to hold him accountable on the campaign trail.”

As conservatives, I think we should submit our own stories to team Obama’s new website. Like the story of how Gov. Chris Christie capped property taxes at 2%. Or perhaps how Gov. Chris Christie saved New Jersey’s pension system for state workers. Or what about the story were Gov. Chris Christie proposed lowering everyone’s income tax rate by 10% and Democrats did nothing?

Let’s show team Obama that we are going to hold them accountable! Submit your Chris Christie story to team Obama here.

The full Team Obama email is just below the fold…


What would you say if I told you Mitt Romney is choosing our own Governor Chris Christie for the VP slot on his GOP ticket?

It’s time to start thinking about it.

Gov. Christie is on Romney’s VP short list and has been for some time. This week his name crept back into the news, and with Romney expected to announce any day now, New Jerseyans have a job to do.

Most Americans don’t know much about our governor. If and when Romney selects him, those who know him best — and that’s us, New Jersey — need to be able to share the truth about Chris Christie from the get-go.

Share what you think Americans need to know about Governor Christie, and why a Romney-Christie administration would be a giant step back for middle-class families.

Your feedback will help hold Christie accountable on the campaign trail, if it should come to that.

As you know, there’s no lack of material to work with here. Right now, it’s our responsibility to make sure others know what they’d be getting into, too.

Add your voice to the conversation today:



Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts,


Jackie Cornell-Bechelli

New Jersey State Director

Obama for America

Posted: August 10th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , , | 18 Comments »

18 Comments on “Team Obama Asks New Jerseyans for Dirt On Christie”

  1. Ricky Tickey The Ambrosia Salad, said at 2:46 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Bullc–p Gene & Bobbie Boy Have Already Signed Up And Are Sending Their Lies In.

    How Desperate You Must Be To Hold On To Power, To Descend Into Such Mud-racking.


    What say you guys?

  2. Ch said at 2:58 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Sounds like a plan to me!!

  3. Screwtape said at 4:04 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Obama doesn’t need “dirt” on Chris Christie. He just needs to tell the truth about our Governor. To wit:

    Chris Christie raised Port Authority tolls by 125%. In doing so, Governor Christie made New Jersey a more expensive place to live and work. He also made New Jersey a less attractive place for companies that might be considering relocating to the Garden State. He made it harder for New Jersey companies to create jobs. If that weren’t bad enough, Chris Christie vetoed legislation that would have required the Port Authority to hold public hearings before future toll increases could go into effect.

    Governor Christie is not conservative or fiscally responsible when it comes to spending. The last proposed budget that Governor Christie submitted to the NJ Legislature proposed increasing spending by 8% over what was spent the previous year, an increase that considerably higher than the current rate of inflation.

    Governor Christie recently reached an agreement with Amazon.com that will force New Jersey residents to pay sales tax on items that previously went untaxed. In doing so, Chris Christie has told the overburdened taxpayers of New Jersey that they aren’t paying enough in sales tax already.

    Chris Christie’s ethics leave a lot to be desired. Christie recently went to Israel on a “trade mission.” He brought his wife, 3 of his children, his father, his step mother and his mother-in-law along with him. Chris Christie allowed an organization called “The Republican Jewish Coalition” to pay for his family to vacation overseas. What’s next? Can we expect to see lobbyists paying the college tuition of the Christie children?

    I could go on. I leave it to others to talk about all of the Governor’s personal out-of-state travel and the millions of dollars that that travel costs the taxpayers of New Jersey. I leave it to others to talk about Chris Christie’s problems with anger and rage. Expect to see the now viral video of Christie losing his cool on the boardwalk. Is this a guy the American people will want with his finger on our nuclear trigger?

  4. How Miserable One's Life Must Be said at 4:16 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    To Have To Live In The Dark World, To Reside In The Gutter Of Having To Win A Campaign By Trying To Find Dirt On Another Guy As The Chicago Thug In Chief Has Done With All Of His Campaigns

    To Call A Guy A Murderer And A Tax Cheat With False Premises & Lies.

    WORSE YET, His Synocphants Like Little Bobbie, Tirade Ricky, Gene B–L & Screwterp Help Him Along By Spreading The Evil.

    WHY IS THIS? Because “The Emperor Has No Clothes” & His Regime Is A Lie.

  5. Rick Ambrosia said at 4:27 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Very well done Screwtape…and as you can see…the comeback is name calling and deflection while all you did was post the TRUTH. Which, by the way, was all they were asking for. Nowhere does it mention “dirt” on Christie. That’s the thinking and the words of the right wing stooges that are Mittens synchophants. Also, no point in giving them facts…they are so blinded by the fact that the President got elected in the first place, that they just don’t (and never will) get it. But, hey…have some fun with them, like I do!! Sometimes, its just too easy…

  6. Name (required) said at 4:50 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    I’m sure his pal Palatucci has MILLIONS of examples of the great things Christie has done for him, and his corrupt corporation.

  7. Bob English said at 5:38 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    If it makes anyone feel any better, the same thing is going on with all of the potential Republican VP candidates and is the norm for either party prior to the other partys VP choice being revealed.

    When the pick is finally known, the R’s will play up their strengths and the the D’s will point out their faults/weaknesses.

  8. Joe Killeen said at 5:51 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Send as many items as you can to both campaigns. I’ll start:
    1st-Last time I checked there were no additional, more stringent or less able to get around restrictions, administrative requirements or laws placed on the financial industry which all on their own cost Americans more money personally than any other single event since WWII.
    2nd- There has been no, nada, nunca, action on stimulating the economy of the US nor any significant action taken to return good jobs back to America.
    3rd- There has been more money sent to and taken by each political party to run ads declaring more and more absurd failings and differences between their headliners than will ever be spent on obtaining jobs for veterans.
    And you think it is useful to continue the who is less principled or best to govern bull.
    They are laughing all the way to the bank as the body politic spends more and more time and money in fighting over who is the best of the worst. Keep it up you are providing the entertainment as well as paying the cover.

  9. Just Tell the Truth and They Think It's Hell said at 8:28 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Thank you so much Screwtape. Reassuring to know that someone is paying attention.

  10. @Bobbie Boy said at 8:51 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    “When the pick is finally known, the R’s will play up their strengths and the the D’s will point out their faults/weaknesses.”

    So, accusing a Presidential candidate of being a murderer and accusing him of not paying taxes without any proof is “playing to their faults” eh Bobbie?

    You’re just as dirty as the Thug In Chief. Even Ed Koch says they were low blows, but you don’t have the cohones to do the same.

  11. Bob English said at 9:09 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Geez…back to that again.

    I have criticized a couple of the Obama/PAC comercials. The amount of guts and credibility you have show when it comes to criticising Romeny statements or comercials that are flat out lies would be a grand total of ZERO. Why is it so hard for you to do that? You would have some credibility if you did.

  12. Bob English said at 9:19 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    And speaking of lies, not only wasn’t the Obama campaign not trying to restrict military voting in Ohio (they were trying to increase extended voting time for ALL Ohio residents.)…today another leason in the book of “How To Cheat To Steal An Election” was written when Ohio Republicans voted to have extended voting times in areas with strong Republican populations but will not allow it in areas with strong D populations. The D’s are in favor of extended voting times for ALL Ohio residents.

    So thats an easy one for you to get some credibility and say that Romeny was lying in his commercial. Not to hard for you to say is it??

    Speaking of Romeny, why is he so quiet when something like this happens?? Good way for him to get some credibility also would be for him to tell Ohio Republican offcials to let ALL Ohuio residents have extended voting times.

  13. Oh Bobbieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. said at 7:27 am on August 11th, 2012:

    Bob English said at 9:09 pm on August 10th, 2012: Geez…back to that again.


    Until you condemn the ad which accused Romney of being a murderer, and you condemn Reid for unsubstantiated claims of about Romney not paying taxes.

    No waffling, no I don’t like some ads. These two things were over the top.

    UNTIL THEN, you are no better than them.

  14. Joe Killeen said at 8:33 am on August 11th, 2012:

    Okay! Okay! Mitt’s not a murderer. You have to get in close and get your hands dirty to earn that moniker.
    Mitt is however often times less than practical. He has not been called upon that often to be the practical one in any group. That was his mother’s role. He is a child of his upbringing and times. But he has come close to being responsible for a few things, although he has managed to twist and turn his way out of mot if not all corners, has never uttered a statement that actually remained a statement. But not all. I know I was there. My suffering may seem slight in comparison to others or what he is capable of if elected, but suffer I did at his hands.

    Yours Truly,
    Romney Family Dog.

  15. Wormwood said at 11:05 am on August 11th, 2012:

    NJ.com recently did a story about Chris Christie’s out-of-state travels. Over a recent 8 month period, Chris Christie was out of the State of New Jersey for 54 days. As the article goes on to point out, whenever the Governor is out of New Jersey, a team of NJ State Troopers travels with the Governor. That means that when Chris Christie is in California on a political fundraising trip, the taxpayers of New Jersey are paying for the airline tickets, hotel bills and meal expenses of those NJ State Troopers that are traveling with the Governor.

    Ask yourself one question: If you had an employee that didn’t come to work for 54 days in 8 months, would he still be on your payroll?

  16. Joe Killeen said at 1:48 pm on August 11th, 2012:

    Wormwood- unfair question. Typical lying, liberal take on things. You left out the most important part of the question, “Who does he or she know?” If they had, prior to selling it and cashing out, built their own business, by themselves, or if they knew somebody who had built their own business, by themselves, and happened to decide after building their own business, by themselves, to enter public service, and make sure everyone else built their own business by themselves, well then of course they would still have their job. How else would the rest of us find out all the secrets to building your own business by yourself?
    Come on, get real.
    Look at Paul Ryan, young, articulate, pretty good hair, photogenic kids and obviously does his homework. There aren’t many who can rival him on reciting the numbers and results.
    But even he has one particular sound bite that resonates with the voters and can’t be covered over,” Why shouldn’t the American people have access to the same health care and retirement benefits as members of Congress?”
    It almost sounds like they didn’t make it on their own, somebody “else” gave them a leg up?
    But still a good point to concentrate on. Populist position that will help to narrow the income gap among already committed voters. Now if you throw in the tweets and newsletters, water cooler talk and late night phone calls from the LIBOR rigging finance crowd to include the rest of us, I would consider handing over more of my hard earned cash to the too big to fail themselves crowd.
    Is today’s announcement a sign of the decline of the importance of conservative positions among the Republican leadership?
    Is this Mitt’s one brilliant stroke to ensure victory in November? Flip, flopping, I’ll show you whose flip flopping, I got Paul Ryan with me now. He is actually on the record with numbers he creates.
    This is a banner day for restoring statistics to their rightful place in politics.

  17. Joe Killeen said at 2:01 pm on August 11th, 2012:

    For all those disappointed it wasn’t the BMOC of the Garden State chosen as Mitt’s running mate, take heart, it wasn’t anything he said or did that hurt CC’s chances, it was simply a matter of space. Space on the bus, the plane and the podium. BMOC just would not fit in the carry on space.
    Now he can stay at home, save the taxpayers a few dollars in expenses for trips and continue to look good compared to the days of wine and roses of his predecessor Mr. John (I also built my business by myself) Corzine. It’s a win, win and we all continue to feast at the public trough outcome.

  18. Bob English said at 9:40 pm on August 12th, 2012:

    Oh boobie: I have said plenty about Obama PAC ads I disagreed with and you have said a big fat ZERO on lies or lying ads put out directly by the Romeny campagn. Until you “condem” those, you are no better than them.