
Two Familes

By Joe Schilp

This is a sordid story of where America is headed. This true story involves a retired couple that we will call Couple A, and a woman and her boyfriend we will call Couple LZ (you’ll see why in a moment). Couple A lives in New Jersey.  They have worked hard their whole lives and done well for themselves; so well that they bought a second home as an investment property also in New Jersey with the intention of eventually retiring to that home. In the meantime, they rented the home to Couple LZ, though it’s not that simple.


You see, when Couple A put the home up for rent, the female partner in Couple LZ responded to the ad and rented the home solely under her name. The woman in Couple LZ is a divorcée with two kids from her dissolved marriage (the oldest is an adult living in Atlanta, GA, with his father) and a third teenaged kid from her boyfriend, with whom she had been with for years to form Couple LZ. Why did she rent the home on her own? Because she had been receiving rent assistance checks from the county government because she is a “single parent” who makes only about $30,000 a year in salary. What she never told the county, or Couple A, was that her boyfriend was living with her and that they refused to marry because their combined salary would’ve made them ineligible for the over $1,000 a month county rent subsidy as he makes about $60,000 a year. Furthermore, the woman had told the county that her oldest son was living with her so she could increase her subsidy (again, he lives in Georgia and is a legal adult).


So she rents the home for 3 years, collecting tens of thousands of dollars of tax-funded dollars in rent subsidy.


Despite the assistance and the $90,000 income between the two, the woman in Couple LZ was regularly late paying her portion of the rent and allowed the lease to expire without realizing it. She also has a horrendous credit rating because she is indescribably irresponsible.


So Couple A decides to sell the home in which they live and move into the home they’ve been renting. They notify Couple EZ that, since they have no lease, they would like them to leave in 45 days. Further, out of sheer kindness, Couple A hires a real estate agent to help Couple LZ find a home. The guy in Couple EZ sees that his gravy train may be coming to an end because his girlfriend goes to the county with a sob story and has the gall to tell the county that she needs a 4 bedroom home with a 2 car garage AND a swimming pool and cannot find one in the same school district. Never mind the fact that the home they are renting from Couple A has only 3 bedrooms and no pool; no, she demands this now.


Realizing his gravy train may be leaving the station, the boyfriend in Couple LZ splits and shacks-up with another woman, but tells his now ex-girlfriend that she doesn’t have to leave because “it’s her house so long as she pays some rent.”


Couple A moves to evict the woman, having now sold their home and with their own closing date rapidly approaching. In court, a judge basically has to decide who will become “homeless”: Couple A, who actually owns the home, or the girlfriend from Couple LZ, who has no lease, pays her rent late, and has been scamming the county and screwing the taxpayers out of tens of thousands of dollars for years.


So with whom does the judge side? The woman in Couple LZ, of course, by giving her 60 days, that’s right SIXTY DAYS to leave. So now Couple A is homeless for 60 days.


This is what the entitlement society has created, ladies and gentlemen. Cheats. Con-artists. Liars. Thieves. Why? Because they feel “entitled” to it. This is why Barack Obama and his liberal Democrat pals who tell you that they want to “spread the wealth around” and that “you didn’t earn that” are the most dangerous people to a free nation of hard-working individuals who wish to live independently.

Posted: July 25th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Two Familes”

  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 1:47 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    You mention county Joe…do you mean Monmouth County, where everything is run by republicans? Was this also County assistance? Or federal. Did the county investigate the fraud? Or just let it go. You see Joe, I don’t see how you can blame the President for this story, but knowing your other posts, I’m sure you do. I don’t understand your reluctance to throw even a hint of the problem on your republican brethren in the county positions that should have caught this fraud. Maybe a full democratic Freeholder board would have cracked down on this…who’s to say? Or, maybe your republican brethren were too busy with fraud of their own to care…again, who’s to say. But to blame President Obama for some miscreant’s scam is a loooonnnggg stretch…even for you.

  2. Sancho Panza said at 2:27 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    @”Maybe a full democratic Freeholder board would have cracked down on this…who’s to say?”
    Most ridiculous comment of the month.

  3. Joe Schilp said at 2:51 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    Actually, Rick, they are not from Monmouth County, but this is a statewide, and nationwide, problem. The county gov’t where this happened – in NJ – is primarily Democrat.

    As for Obama, statements like “Spread the wealth” and “you didn’t build that” set the tone for the public to follow. Further, liberal policies like gov’t assitance, the break-down of family and marriage, etc., create the atmosphere that makes this happen.

  4. Rick Ambrosia said at 3:00 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    What breakdown of families are you talking about Joe? Same sex marriage? Or the 55% divorce rate among heterosexuals. Government assistance such as social security that keep the elderly in their homes, unemployment insurance that keep some people afloat until they can find work, or food stamps that keep some people alive. These seem like moral policies that everyone should embrace, not just liberals. And again, like all the others, you have taken that quote out of context because you WANT to believe it. You need to look at that whole speech Joe, and not cherry pick like Mittens does.

  5. Tr said at 3:56 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    I believe he is referring to the 55% which has been aided and abetted by well meaning but deeply flawed liberal policies. (not nessacarilly the ones you mention).
    While it is moral to help people it is not governments job and government does a lousy job at it. All the policies you mentioned have had unintended consequences that have adversly affected society and were / are poorly executed by the Federal government.
    Finally the quote is not taken out of context. I heard the whole thing. he spoke what is in his heart. He believes no one accomplishes anything with out government assistance. The President has a world view that is fundamentally at odds with the ideas of self reliance and hard work that is central to the development of this country. When things do not work out he does not believe that family, church and community is where help should be found. He believes big government is the answer to it all. This attitude it what has contributed to the decline of personal initiative, family faith and community. It is at odds with what built this country and made it great. This is what is wrong with liberalism today and this is what the President specifically and liberals in general are blind to.

  6. brian said at 4:11 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    Uh-oh–an article loaded with facts–‘lil dicky’s worst nightmare……………

  7. brian said at 4:13 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    ‘lil dicky—there are lots and lots of roads and bridges in Cuba, Russia, Greece, Spain………….how’s that working out for their booming economies?????????????

  8. Rick Ambrosia said at 4:27 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    In case you missed the whole speech…here it is…and Brian, what facts would that be? TR’s opinions are all I see. Maybe you should leave the discussion to people that can think Brian…sorry, but you don’t qualify.

    TR, I think he believes that everyone has had some help along the way…whether it was from the government, or from family, or from others in your life.

    “We’ve already made a trillion dollars’ worth of cuts. We can make some more cuts in programs that don’t work, and make government work more efficiently…We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more …

    There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me, because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

    If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

    The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

    So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for president – because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.”

  9. TR said at 4:59 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    I did not get where I am today because of big government. I did not get here because the government subsidized me. I did not get here because the government paid for my education or subsidized my mortgage. Everything I have I earned by the sweat of my brow and if there is anything I don’t have that I want it is because I did not work hard enough.
    Obama does not believe that.
    Yes some things the government has to do but the higher up you go the less government should be doing. Interstae transportation, defense, sure the Federal government has to do that. Fire fighting thats done at the local level by volunteers where I come from. The problem is that according to Obama the federal Government has to be in charge of EVERYTHING and provide our EVERY NEED.

    Oh and there was an interesting article in the WSJ yesterday. Turns out it is a myth that government invented the internet. Xerox did it.

  10. Joe Killeen said at 5:07 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    Your point would be more well taken if the only people who pulled scams and used the existing laws to get themselves out from under were those supported and encouraged by “big”
    government. Unfortunately, the real scams of the past decades have been pulled off by those pesky free market believers who poison the well, wind up drinking some of the water and then call for some help from the rest of us.
    Scams great and small are a pain in the butt whether your a hard working home owner from NJ or a single mother from Aberdeen.

  11. observer said at 5:20 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    I have a different take on this story. When did Couple A become aware of these facts. By collecting rent with money obtainesd by frausd in my opinion they were complicit it the fraud. because as gleaned from this story Couple A was aware of the fraud and did not report it. Why not because they were getting rent. It is people who sit by silently and let these programs get abused. ver hear of anonymous tips?

  12. Joe Killeen said at 5:24 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    I read the main entry, Two Families, and felt the need to comment immediately, so my earlier post. I just scanned the comment section and feel the need to join in even more.
    I am not in the know on what business each of you are in and whether successful or not. According to your posts you are content with your current economic condition. Good for you. I am and have been better off than the average bear for a few decades now.
    I know I didn’t do it by myself. I learned early to stay away from lawyers unless you have no options left on the table.
    Through the years I have been lucky enough to find and bring on board to work with me, good, reliable, honest and straight forward people. Up to 500 before the meltdown hit in 2007/08. Those who wanted to of these employees bought homes, sent their kids to school and kept them in school even though most of my employees were blue collar, truck drivers, dock workers, administrative and clerical folks.
    Got a great offer from the money boys early in the we have so much money to spend we will buy business’ with less than 10% margins era, the lead up to the bubble that broke in 2008 in the record books.
    Didn’t take the offer because the numbers after the buy out said the business doesn’t survive. When I asked the Hedge Fund goniff’s what they might know I didn’t their answer ,universally, and I had 11 of them chasing after my business, “We don’t pay back debt. We spin it before it’s time to deliver.”
    That is the mind set, attitude and philosophy that has set the pace for the country we call home. Not two guys who enjoy sex with each other hairy bodies and all. Not my cup of joy but damn beats having to live in a world created by lawyers billing by the hour or preachers who think they know what’s right for everybody even those they would just as soon hang.

  13. Joe Schilp said at 6:45 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    What policies, Rick? No fault divorce, for one. Welfare for single mothers, which has decimated black families. Read your history; during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War, black men roamed the South on foot for years trying to put their families back together and had stability in their homes until LBJ’s Great Society programs. Liberalism is undermining the family and replacing it with government. That’s what they do.

  14. Joe Schilp said at 8:33 pm on July 25th, 2012:

    “Observer,” as I stated, county housing regularly visited the home for inspection and knew full well that he was living there. They simply didn’t care.

  15. Rick Ambrosia said at 6:38 am on July 26th, 2012:

    Most statistics show that there are far more single WHITE mothers than Black, Joe….and there are more WHITE families on welfare than Black, Joe. Are you that color blind? And by the Great Society, do you mean that all the civil rights legislation undermined our country? And Art says that race doesn’t enter into it…check out these statistics Joe.


    Also, a lot of women CHOOSE to be single parents…and a vast amount actually have jobs Joe.


  16. Joe Schilp said at 10:03 pm on July 26th, 2012:

    Rick, according to your liberal NY Times reports: 73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. (Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/18/us/for-women-under-30-most-births-occur-outside-marriage.html?pagewanted=all)

    You’ve been smacked-down, Rick!

  17. Joe Killeen said at 8:32 am on July 27th, 2012:

    Mr. Schilp, I like your statement that “…black men roamed the south for years trying to put their families back together….” not sure what your point is, stability may have been “in the home” but sure as can be it didn’t exist in the Jim Crow South outside the “home”.
    Also as they say “There are statistics and there are damn statistics.” I have never seen any statistics on the divorce rate or single female families leading up to, during and after the Depression but I do know of and have more than a few “relatives” who were taken in by the people living next door or my aunts,uncles and grand parents who were referred to as, cousins, uncles and aunts, down the line and forever after. No mention of how or why they came to be part of your family, they just were.
    And that occurred over a period of less than 15 years, think of the long term consequences to daily life if it had existed for generations as it has in minorities within this country. Whether they were dragged kicking and screaming , illegally came across the border to work or flew in through JFK out of Nairobi.
    If you think it was “LBJ’s Great Society” and liberal policies that created fatherless children and cruel and unusual neighborhoods, think again. If you make minimum wage when you can because the quarterly reports need to show the boss is serious about squeezing another 2% out of operating cost in order to keep his bene’s, it doesn’t leave much time or resources for painting the porch and sitting down to a family meal most nights.
    Leave the race card in the deck and play with a full deck of human cards. If God, country and the American way are your creeds of choice play them and use them as more than a crutch to try and claim handicap status for your “American” way.