
Name that lawyer/politican Poll Closed

That decorated tricep belongs to Marlboro Council President Frank LaRoccaMMM received an emotional email from Frank LaRocca this morning asking that we not make political fodder of his new tattoo.

The tattoo is a tribute to LaRocca’s recently passed law partner, Andrew Hegt, who died suddenly at the age of 35 on June 14.  Hegt was the father of five children, including newborn twins.

“My tattoo is St. Andrew’s Cross and the Scales of Justice,” said LaRocca, “it is an artistic tribute to a man I loved dearly and who died tragically.”

LaRocca has created the Hegt Memorial Fund with an initial goal of raising $100,000.  LaRocca says he’s raised $40 thousand so far. $6,506 has been raised on the fund’s website.


Posted: July 6th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “Name that lawyer/politican Poll Closed”

  1. hypocrit, said at 7:21 pm on July 6th, 2012:

    if only he treated others as he would like to be treated. He has disrespected marriages of political opponents, race baited and treated women in a condescending manner, but don’t hurt his feelings?
    The loss of his partner is an epic tragedy. But stop acting like your a saint. Do you have a tattoo for your wife too? or does it just have to be a male partner?

  2. TR said at 8:03 pm on July 6th, 2012:

    Please spare me the Drama. You get a tatoo of your girlfriends name when you are drunk, not to commemorate a dead law partner. What is this world coming to when people actually think thats appropriate. Well to each his own I guess.

  3. Haney Grabel said at 8:10 am on July 7th, 2012:

    Hey Art: any idea why larocca would send you an email about something that nobody knew about anyway? Why would he call attention to something that he could easily have kept to himself if this is so dear to him? The only thing left for him to do is work on the size of that bicep so people could figure out what his pictorial tale of woe is without an explanation.

  4. Give me a break said at 12:40 am on July 8th, 2012:

    I’ve lost all respect for Larocca. Why would anyone put that green crap permanently on their skin? Do people really think those things look good? Can’t wait to see him in 10 or 20 years when it looks like a big piece of seaweed stuck on his arm. Scarring your body is hardly a tribute to a deceased law partner.

  5. Justified Right said at 1:43 pm on July 9th, 2012:

    Leviticus 19:28

  6. Dumb idea said at 6:03 pm on July 9th, 2012:

    I bet from 10 feet or more away, that dumb thing looks like a big glob of grease on his arm.

  7. Tr said at 4:24 pm on July 10th, 2012:

    Tommy you quote Leviticus for tattoos but don’t believe the Bibles teaching on homosexuality?
    In ancient times and in many primitive societies today, tattoos were part of the worship of pagan gods. They were not merely decoration. They were prohibited to Jews because of their religious connotation and because it was another way to keep the Jews separate and apart from the pagans who surrounded them. I would therefore suggest that the prohibition of tattoos like prohibitions about eating certain foods is not applicable to Christians. It is the difference between moral prohibitions in the bible and cultural prohibitions.
    Not that they are a great idea I just do not think they are religiously prohibited to Christians.