What is Anna Little running for?
She’s on the GOP primary ballot as a candidate for congress from the 6th district, but as far as the Federal Election Commission knows, she’s still a candidate for U.S. Senate.
Hundreds of Little for Congress lawn highway signs showed up on Route 36 on Friday night. “Paid for by Anna C. Little for Congress Inc.”
The “paid for” disclosure sparked my curiosity and prompted a visit to the FEC website. Little’s website is paid for by “Friend of Anna Little.” It seemed odd that Anna C. Little for Congress was paying for signs.
Oddly, the campaign committee “Anna C. Little for Congress Inc” was terminated. The campaign filed a termination report on April 2 and the FEC issued a approval of termination letter on April 12.
The letter from the FEC says:
If your committee again becomes active in federal elections, it will be required to re-register with the Commission in accordance with the Federal Election Campaign Act and applicable Regulations. Your committee will be treated as a new entity by the Commission and should register as a new committee on FEC FORM 1, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. §§ 432(g) and 433(a).
But, a thorough search showed no reinstatement of the campaign committee. Little has no congressional campaign committee or congressional account registered with the FEC.
How could this be? I must be missing something, I thought to myself. A visit to Little’s website confirmed my memory that “Friends of Anna Little” is her new campaign committee and that Brett Rappaport is her new treasurer. I searched the FEC site again for “Friends of Anna Little” in CD-6. Nothing.
A broader search revealed that Little is a candidate for U.S. Senate, as far as the FEC knows.
Rappaport did not respond to a message asking for an explanation. Jane Frotton, Treasurer of Anna C. Little for Congress Inc, confirmed that the termination report was filed. She also confirmed that “Anna C. Little for Congress Inc” paid for the signs that were distributed this weekend. “They are left overs from the 2010 campaign,” Frotton said.
It would seem that Little now has two campaign committees active in the primary. “Friends of Anna Little” is paying for the website and “Anna C. Little for Congress Inc” paid for the signs.
Rappaport has some work to do.
I was wondering why the words on the bottom of the signs were so small that you can barely read them.
Based on the slate the BTPG endorsed, Anna will be in good company when she gets blown out.
Wouldn’t that defunct campaign committee have to list an in kind contribution to whatever campaign committee title she is now using?
And would covering up that paid for by line with another label (Friends of…) be allowed without that in kind contribution reported?
Of course, she could always claim she didn’t want to waste money and throw our otherwise perfectly good signs.
On top of it she doesn’t even know where her district is putting lawn… highway signs in Eatontown.
And then in Middletown they put them on private property such as Airport Plaza, Middletown diner, and Union Avenue autosales
Again, trying to make something out of nothing….
“How do I register as a candidate for federal office?
If you are running for the U.S. House, Senate or the Presidency, you must register with the FEC once you (or persons acting on your behalf) receive contributions or make expenditures in excess of $5,000. Within 15 days of reaching that $5,000 threshold, you must file a Statement of Candidacy (FEC Form 2 [PDF]; Instructions [PDF]) authorizing a principal campaign committee to raise and spend funds on your behalf. Within 10 days of that filing, your principal campaign committee must submit a Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1 [PDF]; Instructions [PDF]). Your campaign will thereafter report its receipts and disbursements on a regular basis. Campaigns should download the Campaign Guide for Congressional Candidates [PDF] and our Candidate Registration presentation [PowerPoint] for more information on the laws that apply to them.”
Right from the FEC site. I guess the little campaign hasn’t raised over 5k yet or it hasn’t been 15 days since they have.
Another question is how long does it take for that information to show up on the public site??
Trying to make nothing into something and only because the little campaign is getting the word out and the other campaign is not.
Anna is tenacious, frugal and a great leader… she gets my vote!
It has always been my belief that MoreMonmouthMusings likes to stir the pot even when the pot is empty….If you can’t find anything nice to say you just spew enough to stir up the good folks of MC. He likes to put doubt in peoples minds. I only look at the blog when I’m prompted to!!
I like what the “Facts are nasty things” has to say
“Anna is tenacious, frugal and a great leader… she gets my vote”
and will get my vote!! I need a sign!!
No boundaries for placement of Anna Little Signs – Get yourself busy and educate your neighbors and friends about the underhanded and thoughtless selection of candidate.
Can’t you guys appreciate what a great thing Anna is doing for the environment? She’s recycling signs from the last campaign, so she doesn’t have to throw away the old ones polluting the landfills, and kill trees to make new ones. So what if the committees don’t match anymore, she’s trying to save the Earth!
I received an invitation by mail to Little’s fundraiser hosted by John Bennett and Sam Thompson. Any idea why the Bayshore Tea Party name in the supporters list is whited out?
@ Facts are nasty things…
If your committee again becomes active in federal elections, it will be required to re-register with the Commission in accordance with the Federal Election Campaign Act and applicable Regulations. Your committee will be treated as a new entity by the Commission and should register as a new committee on FEC FORM 1, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. §§ 432(g) and 433(a).
One month after termination, the committee is active again.
Anna Little Is Breaking The Law?
@ So, In Other Words..
I don’t know if Anna Little is breaking the law. “Facts” says she’s not.
The question that is nagging at me is, “Why terminate the Anna C. Little for Congress Inc committee when is was again a candidate for congress?”
Jane Frotton told me yesterday that the termination of the “Inc” committee was the final report for the 2010 campaign. But Little kept it open and used it to raise money throughout 2011 and into 2012. It was classified as active for the 2011-2012 election cycle on the FEC site. When I told Frotton that her answer didn’t make sense, she said, “I don’t know, Bob Constantine from Washington was in charge of the reports.”
Maybe “Facts” and “BigLittleSupporter” can fill in the blanks. Rappaport has still not responded.
Why not spend some energy on explanation of those few republicans’ motive for the underhanded, despicable, ‘don’t give a damn for Monmouth County’, nomination of an ‘INCOMPLETE UNKNOWN’…?????? Others on the column who enjoyed voter support in the past can’t sit back and expect support by County voters who’ve already been shafted in the Primary process!!! Too late for damage control once it all backfires!!! The ….. Golden Rule ….. again folks!!!!!
Who cares? She can’t use old signs rather than throw them away?
Hey BigLittleSupporter – simple question. How do you feel about Anna voting with the two liberal Democrats to give the PBA a huge giveaway as punishment for the Highlands taxpayers not voting for her in 2010? Explain that one, will you? You can answer too, facts.
Finally!! The truth is being revealed about “Little not good enough”. We need true conservatives running for office not want to be’s.
Oh.. BigLittleSupporter: be sure to tell your want to be candidate I want a tax refund for the money she stole from me when I lived in her town.
If Anna did not create these problems, of which there are many; in the first place, there would be nothing to bring to the light of inquiring minds.
Isn’t that the purpose of any media outlet?
I think “you doth protest too much” and are afraid of the truth about Anna.
The answer to your question is that the flyer inadvertently said that Frank Cottone was the Bayshore TP President. That’s why it was covered. He is the Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition President. He is one of the many Tea Party groups endorsing Anna. More are coming.
everyone knows you place signs anywhere visible to the DRIVING public for a free billboard, for however long they stay up!.. what, people from her district don’t drive through towns which may not be in it?.. that’s plain silly, and too low in import to even bother worrying about!!. am much more interested on what their plan/message is, to try and get rid of that bozo in there for far too long, now!
I will be polite because she has a family to support (rob has needs ya know)
She has zero chance…. god obviously disfavors her… she doesn’t really have any moral compass…. she in her now 20 year political campaign has never done anything of note…. (I welcome any little supporter to point out her accomplishments; other then getting a job). The signs are a stimulus program for the road crew…. that’s right taxpayers spend around .50 per sign to remove….
[…] 10 days since MMM reported that Anna Little was a candidate for U.S. Senate and had terminated her candidacy for Congress as far as the Federal Election Commission is concerned, the former Highlands Mayor has yet to file a Statement of Organization. […]
[…] been over two weeks since MMM reported that Anna Little has not filed as a candidate for Congress with the Federal Election Commission. […]