
Gingrich’s message to supporters on eve of his campaign’s official suspension

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich released the following video, a message to “insiders,” to his supporters and volunteers this morning in anticipation of the press event at which he will suspend his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination tomorrow.

Posted: May 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Gingrich’s message to supporters on eve of his campaign’s official suspension”

  1. Stick A Fork In Him said at 5:18 pm on May 1st, 2012:

    Yawn. Gingrich better enjoy seeing all those cameras at his press conference tomorrow. It will the last time members of the national media will turn out in large numbers to listen to anything this guy has to say.

  2. Stick A Fork In Yourself said at 8:00 pm on May 1st, 2012:

    You know, there’s meanness and then there are just plain insensitive jerks. That message was to people that believe in Newt, that worked their tails off for him.

    How would YOU feel about us saying the same thing about a candidate you support.

    I’m not sure you understand just how brilliant Newt is. Perhaps if you did some real research; rather than borrow other’s talking points; you might just not be so mean spirited next time.

  3. Heraclitus said at 9:28 am on May 2nd, 2012:

    “A man’s character is his fate.” — Heraclitus

    In speaking about Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry once said, “If a man cheats on his wife, don’t be surprised if he cheats you in business.” Gingrich cheated on at least two of his three wives. Is anyone at all surprised to learn that Newt Gingrich lacks the character necessary to pay his bills?

    Character counts. It is shame that so many of Gingrich’s supporters don’t recognize as much.

  4. Whatever Heraclitus said at 10:53 am on May 2nd, 2012:

    You seem to forget that same Rick Perry forgave Newt Gingrich for that flaw and endorsed him. Newt converted to Catholicism and changed his life. To paraphrase you, “it’s a shame Newt’s DETRACTORS don’t recognize as much.”

    His daughters from one of those failed marriages worked their tails off for him in the primary. One would guess that they say something of value in him as well.

    Men are flawed, all man is flawed. We screw up and we work to better ourselves; as Newt has done.

    Remember, people forgave Clinton for just the same thing as Newt has done. So, please spare us the history lesson.

  5. What's past is prologue said at 12:30 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    “Newt converted to Catholicism and changed his life.”

    Bullshit. Take a look at the link provided above. Gingrich spent last month running-up bills that he knew he’d never be able to repay himself. Moreover, he incurred those bills even after it became clear to all that Romney had the nomination secured. People that knowingly incur bills that they don’t intend to pay are thieves.

    Make no mistake: Newt Gingrich is the same moral degenerate that he always has been. Thankfully, most of the Republicans in America are not at all inclined to see Newt Gingrich in the White House.

    Incidentally, someone ought to remind Newt Gingrich that the Catholic Church to which he now belongs tends to frown upon precisely the sort of conduct that he has engaged in of late. To wit: Paragraph 2410 of The Catechism of the Catholic Church

  6. You Know, All You Detractors said at 2:59 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    Have to get a hold of your selves. Why don’t you check out the internet info that there is a plan for Newt to pay back the bills.

    MOST CANDIDATES that fail end up with debt. Rick Santorum, over a million, Heather Bachman, over a million.

    My Gawd. Moral Degenerate?

    You know, you climb on three or four things about Newt, but you all ignore the real problems Mitt Romney has.

    For all of you haters castigating Newt, have you ever heard of Damon Corporation & Blood Money; how Romney supervised a company that was robbing Medicare of millions? Talk about thievery.

    Geeeze. You got your primary candidate. “Good Luck With That.” Give it a break you haters.

    Why don’t you take a look at the following stuff and then focus your energies elsewhere like trying to drag Romney and the following baggage across the finish line especially in N.J.

    After all, I remember a quote on Art’s Blog that the N.J. GOP doesn’t think he can beat Obama in our own state and that’s with Christie’s support!


  7. Run off often, do you? said at 3:36 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    “Romney … Damon Corporation …” Run off on a tangent often, do you?

    Lick your wounds. Enjoy watching Newt concede defeat.

  8. Rick Ambrosia said at 3:52 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    I was rooting for The Newt…

  9. Ignore The Truth At Your Own Peril - "Run On" said at 4:00 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    Somebody Else Or Perhaps You Made The Outlandish Charge Of Moral Degenerate.

    Just trying to show that the knife cuts both ways. NO Presidential Candidate is perfect lately and Romney has more skeletons that you care to believe. That was the point of my comments.

    People like to act “holier than though,” tossing around words like thieves and moral degenerate; kicking someone when they are down, but they conveniently ignore serious flaws in other candidates; like presiding over the biggest fleecing of Medicare by a company, EVER.

    Again, if Newt was a moral degenerate,. I wonder why his daughters worked their tails off for him. To those that wish to be hypocritical, enjoy your lives and if Romney loses in the fall; don’t come crying to me.

    ‘nuf said on this issue. You all just want to be a hatin’ on someone. Shame on you.

    Maybe you ought to look in the mirror more often at yourselves. Or is it yourself as in one person ragging on Newt?

  10. nothing like said at 5:56 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    Republicans trashing other Republicans, once again.. for the ignorant,uninformed and blinded, if one actually read and listened to his proposals, which are many,for trying to get a handle on our energy and financial situations, the entitlements, and many others, and read his new contract with america ideas, his were the smartest and most sensible, bar none- real, and workable solutions, period..if you feel good about yourselves to keep beating up a human being who admitted he sinned and changed his life, well, I hope you enjoy feeling so “perfect,” as you who are without sin continue to cast the first stone: to me and many others of his supporters, it is YOU who are pathetic!!!

  11. Jim Granelli said at 6:12 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    Nothing Like…

    I wonder if the haters are actually Republicans.

    That said, I am PROUD to have run Newt’s Ballot Access Operation in New Jersey, with nearly 70 GREAT volunteers getting nearly 2000 signatures and putting delegates on the ballot.

    Having met Newt three times since January and listened to him at least 15 times; I agree that he is indeed had the smartest, most workable solutions especially with regards to energy.

    Art, I don’t mean these to be fighting words; but these haters need to come see me because I sometimes wonder if these haters would have the guts to say the same things to me or Newt in person.

  12. Rick Ambrosia said at 9:28 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    I certainly would…he is a despicable person and I would say that to him…and to you. He had no business running for President as he would destroy this country without even blinking. It doesn’t take much guts to say that to someone who has cheated on 2 wives, let alone one, racked up over a million dollars in debt just flying around the country on private jets knowing he had no chance and now has no way to repay. He did this as a glorified book tour and it worked for a little while, but he’s no different than a con artist taking money under false pretenses. He just needs to go back under whatever rock he crawled out from and leave the rest of the world alone.

  13. Jim Granelli said at 9:45 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    But It’s Ok With You Rick For Clinton To Have Cheated On One Wife, Yet Even Money Says You Call Him A Great President.

    ALMOST EVERY Presidential, As Well As Candidates For Other Offices Who Lost End Up With Campaign Debt.

    Get Real & Look It Up…

    MOST pay it off their campaign debts and I’d like to see you eat those words when Newt does.

    Ruin this country? In your mind maybe.

    But, then again; even money says you think Obama hasn’t ruined our country.

    As I said Ricky, get real.

  14. Bob English said at 10:10 pm on May 2nd, 2012:

    Very funny>>>>

    Shep Smith reacts to Mitt Romney reacting to Newt Gingrich quitting:


  15. Freespeaker1976 said at 7:46 am on May 3rd, 2012:


    Are you sure (liberal) Shep Smith wasn’t talking about Obama when he said politics is weird and lacks an attachment to reality?

  16. Bob English said at 5:52 pm on May 3rd, 2012:

    Free….he had just finished reading Romneys press release/statement so I would lay my money on the fact he was speaking about Romney.

  17. Ah Bob.... said at 8:16 pm on May 3rd, 2012:

    That was a sarcastic joke….
