Romney Crushes Santorum in Illinois
Multiple news outlets have declared Mitt Romney the overwhelming winner of the Illinois GOP primary, based upon exit polling data.
FoxNews says Romney leads Santorum 54% to 28% in very early returns.
Maybe now we can stop taking about pornography and contraception.
if this is the most inspiring we’ve got, we are in as bad a fix as we were in terrified of this guy messing it all up for us this year, from the top down to the Senate and Congress!!.. wake up people, we need a fearless, tested and smarter leader, and for me, it’s still Gingrich!..
Although I liked the pre flipflop version of Romney better, at least he is not off in crazyland (for the most part) unlike several of the other R Presidential candidates. Will be interesting if he can get away from some of the extreme right positions he took to appeal to primary voters and can get back towards the middle and try to get some support from independent voters which he will need to have a shot in November.
Yes – now we can start talking about Mitt’s love of individual mandates.
Good grief.
Another election year where I won’t be able to bring myself to vote for the party’s candidate.
“Another election year where I won’t be able to bring myself to vote for the party’s candidate.”
…Yeh, cuz another four years of Obama and economic disaster is just what we need…
I’d rather a Democrat ruin the economy than a Democrat posing as a Republican ruin the economy.
Just what we need, an etch a sketch.
Justified Right said, “I’d rather a Democrat ruin the economy than a Democrat posing as a Republican ruin the economy.”
Well, who can argue with THAT logic. Yeesh.
Insert brain here…
Justified right – this is the same stupidity that the Tea Party dummies use for logic. Because Romney doesn’t pass your conservative purity test, you are willing to let the most left wing radical socialist ever to hit the national stage back into office so you can say “nah nah na nah nah – told ya.” Let’s face it – every candidate is flawed in some way. If Romney wins the nomination and picks a Rubio or West for VP, do you still think having Obama win will somehow be worth proving whatever dopey point you’re trying to make? How silly you are.
The damage a leftist posing as a conservative does is far worse than the damage a leftist himself does.
Romney’s failed leftist policies will be mistaken for ours. The end result will be that the nation will believe conservatism is not the way to govern, and the media will present it as proof of such.
If Romney is the nominee, I will write in a more conservative candidate, precisely as I did in 2008.
Etch a sketch.
That’s it, waste your vote on a write in, that will show them JR.
Why waste my vote on Romney? Make your affirmative case (meaning don’t mention Obama).
Oh my God, will you stop with this ridiculous crusade to prove how piously conservative you are? Here’s the deal. If everyone doesn’t close ranks and support the guy who isn’t Obama, then Obama wins. I don’t care if Romney is a 10, or an 8, or a 3 on the conservative scale, he is way, way better than the Muslim community activist in the White House. It’s a simple choice – Romney, or Obama. Pick one. Your silly, “I’m going to make a point” will help ensure the latter.
When the children ask me “what happened to America”, i can reply–people like JR would rather prove a point than help the country, so –It’s His Fault!!!
l did everything i could to stop Milhous—but too many “conservatives” voted for him.
Still not making your case –
tell me why Romney will be any better than Obama (other than one will put an R at the end of his name and the other a D).
By the way – Obama is not a Muslim. I probably shouldn’t indulge you after making the assertion, but I am anyway.
Helene stole my line! Good one Helene. ….Governor Etch-A-Sketch is not going to keep his promises….just wait and see.
Reality Check: Why did you refer to the President as a “Muslim”?
1) He said he is not a Muslim 2) If he or anyone else were a Muslim, that is certainly their right according to the Constitution of the United States of America. 3) Do you plan on referring to Gov. Romney as a “Mormon” every time you mention his name in a post?
Regarding Romney’s VP pick, after the Palin disaster, I would expect him to pick someone who is seen as a person no questions asked who is qualified to be President and is not too far out in crazyland with extremist positions that would turn off independent voters. Huckabee has said and done a few dumb things but I think he fits the bill much better than Rubio and certainly better than West.
I wish the tea party and the uber conservatives would please get a grip. An ultra conservative will not win this election. We need moderate R’s, Independents and even some D’s to cross over and vote for the Republican candidate. This will never happen with Newt or Santorum.
We need to get Obama out, Romney appeals to the entire base more then the other too.
The Tea Party can do the real work and get Congressman and Senators elected from their districts that will move a Fiscal and Social conservative agenda forward. Get an R in the White house, even if he is moderate and take control of the legislative branch. Concentrate on the Law makers. This is where the difference can be made, but not if Obama wins again
Not Newt:
The Reagan Democrats didn’t come over because Reagan was a squishy moderate.
Give is a conservative and the votes will come. The country is center-right.
Let Me Ask You A Question. Just who has Obama responded to over the last weeks, often in a panic mode?
Ah, that would be Newt, NOT Santorum & Not Romney because he is not scared over those two.
Newt has been taking the wood to Obama on Mandated Birth Control services by religious organizations, Energy and even a racist remark by Robert DeNiro.
EACH TIME, Obama ran to cover his arse; even saying “let them eat slime” for their gasoline. Today, he relented on a TINY portion of pipeline because Newt has been hammering Obama on the Keystone Project. So, he throws a fig leaf in terms of jobs to the unions.
Newt is the ONLY conservative that can take it to Obama and Mitten’s Etch-A-Sketch disaster shows why he can’t be trusted. He will try and flip flop his way away from conservatism, despite saying he was “severely conservative.”
Oh, and to the Tea Party folks that think Santorum is a fiscal conservative, think again.
Besides voting to increase the debt ceiling 5 times (while Newt balanced the Federal Budget 4 years in a row – only time in history) time after time Rick Santorum voted for Federal Largesse, for Big Government and for Big Labor; along with taxes and fees for boondoggle projects put on the backs of tax payers.
Unfortunately some in the Tea Party don’t look AT THE RECORD of Santorum is which shows he is NOT fiscally conservative. And remember Santorum endorsed and worked to get Arlen Specter re- elected; the 60th vote for Obama care.
So, on two key missions of the Tea Party, end ObamaCare and reduce spending, some in the Tea Party are ignoring reality and looking the other way.
In the words of Robbie The Robot from Lost In Space, “it does not compute.”
Sad, VERY Sad
Ok Bob English, here you go. According to Obama’s own book, he was scolded for acting up during Koran class in Muslim Indonesia. His father was a Muslim, which automatically makes him a Muslim by birth. In an interview with little Georgie Stephanopolous during the 08 campaign, Obama mentioned and I quote, “my Muslim faith.” Got it? As for Romney, I see no need to mention his Mormon faith. We are not at war with Mormons. Mormons did not slaughter over 3000 Americans on 9/11. Mormons did not behead living human beings like Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg. Mormons have not sworn to destroy Western civilization. Mormons do not riot and kill people over newspaper cartoons. Mormons do not stone women to death for being in a room alone with an unrelated man. Mormons do not believe in “honor” killing of females. Mormons do not strap bombs to themselves and blow up innocent people as they shop or worship. Mormons do not sentence Christian pastors to death simple for practicing their faith. Let me know if you want more.
Lyrics for your entertainment; to be delivered with great pathos and melodrama, as is in keeping with the original offering of the 1972 hit single “Sylvia’s Mother” by Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show.
“Dee Seno’s Mother” by, Another Anonymous Commentator
Dee Seno’s mother says, Dee Seno’s busy, too busy,
for polls on the phone,
Dee Seno’s mother says, Dee Seno’s tryin’,
to work this thing out on his own.
Dee Seno’s mother says, “Dee Seno’s not votin’,
so why don’t you leave him alone??”
…And his secretary says, “Forty cents more,
for the next, …three, …minutes, ….please” …. … ….
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just gotta talk to ‘ya,
I’ll only keep you a while, 🙂
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just wanna ask you,
“But, why???”
Dee Seno’s mother says, Dee Seno’s packin’,
he’s gonna be on FOX News today,
Dee Seno’s mother says, he’s workin’ on marriage,
for two fellows down Galveston way.
Dee Seno’s mother says, “Please don’t say nothin’,
but he’s supportin’ Obama since May,”
…And his secretary says, “Forty cents more,
for the next, …three, …minutes, ….please” …. … ….
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just gotta talk to ‘ya,
I’ll only keep you a while, 🙂
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just wanna ask you,
“Oh, why???”
Dee Seno’s mother says, Dee Seno’s worried,
some R’s have done figured out his game,
Dee Seno’s mother says, “Take your umbrella,
cause when shit hits the fan it’s like rain,”
And Dee Seno’s mother says, “Thank you for calling,
and sir won’t you call back again?”
…And his secretary says, “Forty cents more,
for the next, …three, …minutes, ….please” …. … ….
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just gotta talk to ‘ya,
I’ll only keep you a while, 🙂
Please Mr. Dee Seno! I just wanna ask you,
“Oh, why???”
Cute song. I will sing it while waiting for anyone supporting Romney to tell me why they do that doesn’t have the word Obama in the explanation.
Reality Check: nice try taking what the President said in the Stephanopolous interview out of context…got it!!! Look at the tape of the interview and he was clearly referring to the fact that John McCain had not promulgated the false rumor that he (Obama) was a Muslim.
You and Franklin Graham can believe what you want to believe about religion being passed down through genes. Sane people believe that others chose their own religion or chose to have no religion at all.
By the way how do you feel about the Mormon practice of baptizing the dead? Are you okay with the practice of forcibly converting people after they are dead? When it comes to taking the President at his word that he is a Christian though, that is where you have to draw the line????
How silly you are Bob English. Look at the tape of Obama’s interview – he says “my Muslim faith” and continues speaking. It is then that little Georgie S., with a panicked look on his face, chimes in to save Obama and remind him of the script by saying, “you mean your Christian faith.” As for Mormons – you clearly have a deeply held hatred for them. Frankly, whatever their faith and religious practices are, is fine with me. You should really be ashamed to try and use the sorry example of their baptism practice, if indeed you are even correct, as somehow being the moral equivalent of beheadings, murder, and abuse of women. Just think of the world that Muslims want to create here, and think of how absurd it is for you to try and whitewash it with some lame comparison to Mormonism. Al Quaeda loves guys like you.
You Want Us To Follow This Guy Over The Cliff? Are You Nuts?
Reality Check: I have no problem with any religious groups but than again I am not the one who refers to what I imagine someones religion is when I post. You are the one who did that in your post above when you refered to the President as a Muslim. Glad to hear you don’t have any problems with the Mormon faith (neither do I) which only makes it even more bizzare that you have a problem with the President because you “think” he is a Muslim. (And the reason I asked you about Gov. Romney’s religion was to see if you would apply the same standard and label to him to what you apply to the President because of what you “think” his religion is.)
And your right Stephenopolis did jump in during the interview but than Obama immediately corrected him and explained that he was referring to the fact that McCain was not going around saying that Obama was a Muslim. That is clearly what the conversation was about and clearly what he was referring to. You know what though, you are going to believe what you want to believe so if that is your smoking gun, and it makes you happy going through life believing the President is a Muslim, go on ahead.
Speaking of rediculous, is the video that Breitbarts group released that showed Obama speaking at a protest rally 20 years ago. Another dud but I am sure that some people will imagine and hallucinate that something sinister was going on since thats what they were told the video was going to show and it would fit into their crazy beliefs.
Do you know that 20% of the worlds population are Muslims??? Aprox 1.5 billion people. There are many Muslims holding political office in the United States including two members of Congress. There are Muslim Mayors, State Legislatures, serving in the military/combat and Muslim Judges. Gov. Chrisite responded to complaints about his appointment of a judge who happens to be a Muslim as “crazy and crap”!!! Could not have put it better myself. Crazy and crap!!
Cute song. I will sing it while waiting for anyone supporting Romney to tell me why they do that doesn’t have the word Obama in the explanation.
I support Romney for the same reason I support Christie. While I don’t agree with all of their policies, I don’t expect a candidate that I approve of 100% of the time ever to be elected. Romney’s a guy that I can agree with most of the time and who can get elected.
I never liked that Dr. Hook song. I’m more of a Rolling Stones kind of guy. Still, I’d really like to see JR singing his song full out.
Be specific Art. On what do you agree with Romney?
You first, Tommy.
Be specific about a leftist president who posed as a conservative who did more damage than a leftist president posing as a patriot did.
Be specific about who you plan to write-in should Romney be the nominee and argue for that persons electablity should that person win the GOP nomination over Romney.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
It is evident Romney supporters can not articulate a reason for supporting him.
I just posted the challenge over at Ricochet:
Quod erat demonstrandum.
No Tommy, I can make the argument and I will and the appropriate time.
I’m just trying to save us all a lot of time by getting you to expose the fallacy of your own arugment before going there.
The right time? It’s almost April!
This shouldn’t be a tough task. If you support the guy say why.
That nonsense might fly at richocet, but not here.
It’s not a tough task. I answered you already but you were’nt satisfied because the answer did not fit your agenda.
In your previous comment you said you answered.
In the comment just before that you said you will answer at the appropriate time.
All I’ve got from you is a statement that you don’t agree with him 100% of the time.
If that’s the best you can muster, at least admit the guy has a message problem.
Like I said Tommy. I’ll play, but you go first.
Then you will be so wowed by my answer that you buy a Romney T shirt
It would appear that Mr. DeSeno has mysteriously vanished,
…much like the enigmatic Dodo Bird.
The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a huge flightless pigeon that disappeared virtually overnight, once discovered by man. He lived in his own little island world (the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius) reportedly until around 1681, however the last confirmed sighting is generally accepted as being in 1662 by Volkert Evertsz.
Perhaps The DeSeno will make subsequent appearances if all remain very, very quiet…